Chapter One (Generation)

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Yello! This is not going to be a long authors note, but I want to say

(whisper) Get on with the reading! What's keeping you so long?!



" what you're saying is that the Midnight clan has let loose more of pack members out as rogues?"the beta asked.

"How could they be so stupid? Ever since there Alpha died they've been acting crazy." The Alpha and also my father said.

So most of you are probably like, "what is going on here?" Well you dad wanted me to come to this meeting because he had to tell me something important.

I don't see why he couldn't just tell me when he just busted into my room, instead of me waiting TWO DAYS and I have to sit through this boring meeting with 20 of the important leaders or administration for this pack.

I have things to do you know? He just doesn't see what a "17 year old girl could be doing thats soo important", as he says.

"Danie! Daniela Jackson! Are you paying attention?!" My father burst out calling with a kinda impatient look on his face. Yicks, what did I do now?!

"Huh.." I looked around to see an also impatient administration all staring at me. Way to hang low Danie. I got up and straightened my clothes.

If they were all staring might as well give them a show. "Hello Gentleman, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance as you ca see I was paying close attention to our issue" I moved over to the smart board. I scrolled over the empty screen and begun to write.

"You all know that the Midnight pack has lost their Alpha and has no one to lead it, am I correct?"

Everyone seems to be transfixed and shacked their heads in unison. Not ...weird.... at... all.... (Note to sarcasm).

I smirked a bit. I seem to be a pro at this, maybe I should be Alpha. Nah. I 'm kidding you!

"You see they have been acting crazy, because they have no one to control or lead over them." I wrote the equation on the smart board 'No leader (Alpha) = chaos'

"So no Alpha means total chaos" I pointed to each word on the board. Then I walked and continued talking, & tilted my head to the side and said "Ya all know where this is leading right?! Anyone have an idea?"

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