Chapter 24 (A ... Reunion, but How?)

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Yo, Yo, Yo. What's up?! Okay I'm excited. Aren't you excited??????!!!!! The book is coming to a DUN DUN DUN.... END.

Okay so guys I passed my test! {APPLAUSE ENTERS HERE}

*CURSIES & BLOWS KISSES* "Why thank you my lovely readers. I appreciate you too."

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Blake POV

I bit into my steaming cheese-melting hamburger aka heaven, yep I bit into heaven. Letting out a hum of gratification for the mouth watering food in front of me while wiping my mouth with the napkin that was given to me.

I waved my hand into the air to get the waitress's attention. She was pretty hot, she was a firery hot red head with a nice body. Finally she came towards me popping the bubble gum in her mouth.

"Yahhh." She seemed like a brainless one, but I can really see who she is. She is a girl that acts brainless but really is at the top of her class. I hate when girls pretend to act dumb, if you're looking for the one I think you shouldn't pretend because you want that person to love who you are right? Then you should be yourself.

Take Justin's advice and Love Yourself because you need to love yourself before anyone could love you.

"Sooo are you gonna like..." She chewed her bubble gum with her mouth opened and looked around the room like she is lost. "stoopp looking at me and tell me what you need sir?"

I looked up and smiled. "Yes Ashley."

She stopped chewing her gum and said in a hushed tone, "How do you know my name? No one knows my real name around here."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Umm, lets just say...." I picked up the salt shaker and said "I guessed." I couldn't help but shake my head at her name tag RAYOLA it said.

It sounds like a crayon.

I stood up and took the name tag off and lifted her chin up to look me directly in my eyes, "I think you are beautiful the way you are, name and all. You don't need to pretend, love."

I opened her palm and placed something in her hand and walked out of the café.


Ashley's POV

I was amazed by the handsome boy in-front of me. He swiftly walked past me. I opened my palm and saw that there was a yellow paper and money for the food.

I quickly opened the folded paper and saw a scruffy hand writing in pen.

You don't need to pretend Ashley. The person who loves you will find you and love you for who you are. You don't need to pretend or worry. Just be yourself.

-Blake ;)


Blake's POV

I don't know where I'm even going right now, but a feeling came over me and it's leading me. Man, that sounds cliché, .oh well.

I came to a stop in the middle of nowhere. There was just a road and forest on both sides of it. I know I should be scared right now but, I always find myself walking through forests by myself. Maybe it's because my mom was a werewolf and my dad was half werewolf and the most powerful wizard of all time. His name was Martin.

Sadly both of my parents died.

I walked further into the forest coming to a clearing. I looked around as if I was waiting for something. My stomach started to feel uneasy.

I swallowed back down any fear I may have and breathe long breaths.

A slow clapping erupted from behind me. I turned to see the last person I thought I would see, my father. Man he looked like he rolled in pig fesses. I pinched my nose. And he smelled like it too.

"Hello son."

My heart seemed like it had drained of all emotion. My dad was such a sleeze, and so selfish. Only doing things to help himself. I never want to be like him. Ever.

He is the reason my mom is gone. He's the reason!

A tear escaped my eye. "OHH Now here I thought you would be happy to see me Blake."
He spun around and started to laugh and clap. He reminded me of RumpleStilt Skin from Once Upon a Time.

Now that I think about it, they are very similar.

In a harsh tone I said "Hello Martin."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." He magically came up to me and touched my chin. Remind me to wash my face when I get out of here. "So disrespectful my son. Your mother would be so ashamed."

At that moment I slapped his hand away. Then I pushed him on the floor. 'DON'T YOU EVER MENTION MY MOTHER AGAIN YOU, YOU, YOU" I paused and let my tears roll down my face "Monster" I breathe out.

He got up fast and say 'OH, I'm back baby!" He turned to me and said "Monster has a good ring to it, right SON?"

I was despised to even be his son. I'm so disgraced, I tried to get all ties of him to vanish, but you can't paint over a wall and call it a flower.

Looking down I spoke. "What do you want dad?"

"Finally you're accepting it Blake. Finally." He smiled showing off his two black teeth.

I spoke up again. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Well more like growled.

He used one hand to cover his ear and another one proposing that I should calm down. "Chill son, chill. I heard you the first time. Soo, this is about that girl." He moved his hand around like he was trying to remember something.

Like a light- bolb came on he continued " The one who is suppose to be so fancy being the first female Alpha ever. Heard she was the smartest Alpha too. But you know son, rumors, you can't always believe them." He began to laugh. He clapped his hand and started to let more toxic fumes out.

"Okay, so I need you help to trick her to get that Alpha spot son."


SHOUT OUT TO ariannaduja who helped me with the last chapters. Thank you so much ;)

I got some of these stuff from Youtube, haha. I needed to get a boys perspective. So check out the people I got theses perspectives from

1) justtom - He is hilarious and sensible so I recommend him

2) Josh Tryhane - He is also awesome and have very interesting topics.

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