Chapter 10 (Revelations and Plans)

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Ohh. How in the world am I suppose to watch this nuisance? I swear I thought of every way possible that could bring me less pain while watching this man. But it would either bring me in a awkward position or an messed up memory.

Like this man is a "ruthless, hardheaded,yet loving, jerk" from what I gathered from my intel.

I swore I heard it all, from girls talking about him, which I do not want to remember from my memory, to people shriveling in terror, for all the "terrible" things he had done? I don't even know what he did, but the people were all too scared to tell me. Which did not help me at all.

So how am I suppose to watch this creature? It's been a week since my dad told me to watch over this guy. But he just seems like any other inflated egotistical jerk I know. This question has been around my head for all 604,800 seconds. Even in my dreams.

Like how could it slip into my dreams? Like why would I want that jerk in my dreams, that spot is specifically held for Cameron Dallas. Like get out jerk!

As soon as the car came to a stop. I saw the magnificent building I call my church. It was in a light blue color, with a big bell on top. The light drizzle of rain tapped on my window. Giving a peace around the place "Danie, are you coming or not?" My father asked, swerving me out of my head.

"Yeah, I'm coming ol' man." I said while giggling, I opened my car door and while my family was walking into the church. Someone tapped my shoulder, I quickly turned my head, seeing no one there.

Then I heard a voice said, "Welcome my child".

I must be hearing things. Or maybe I have a stalker. Well, I'm touched, that someone likes me enough to stalk me. What am I saying? Stalking is so not cool. My life could be threatened here.

I must be really losing it. I might need to go on Luminosity to help my brain. God help me please.

As I walk into the building, I see people greeting each other and talking. I took my seat in one of the white benches towards the back.

"Daniela, what are you thinking about?"

I jumped and squeaked so loud that a few people stopped their conversations to stare at me. I shamefully bowed my head and whisper shouted, "Jasper, why did you scare me like that?! You know not to scare people out of their thoughts, don't you?!"

He chuckled for a bit, "Ohh Dan, you are so easy to scare." I see he still insists on calling me Dan.

"AGHH, Jasper stop calling me Dan. Makes me feel so much like a boy."

"I told you I would stop when we graduated" he retorted, I shook my head, "Yeah I graduated already, so 'Dan', should go in the trash." I sort of demonstrated it like a basketball hoop analogy.

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