Chapter 15 (Mates or Mates?)

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I love the fact that when I started writing today until right now, the reads went up. Thanks guys, you have been a great support.


Please don't be my mate. Please don't be my mate. Please God don't let this stink bag be my mate!

I kept repeating this in my mind as we just stared into each others eyes. He hadn't said anything. Please don't be my mate.

Daniela that's our mate. NOOOOO!!! No! I reject him!!! NO! No! Then I hear Megan burst out laughing, I'm playing, I wouldn't want that scum bag to be our mate either, something is off about this guy. I just don't know what it is. You know him though.

I know him? He does have a hint of resemblance to someone, but I can't figure out who. I started to pack up my food in the bag the waiter gave me with my orange juice. "Umm... Who are you?''

"Martin" the stink bag said, letting out some toxic fumes. I almost died. "Ohh, nice to meet you."

"Where are you going?"

"Ummm, I have to go meet up with someone." As I was about to get up I was gravitated back into my seat, then I looked up at this Martin guy, only to see a smirk plastered on his dead face. "Ohh I don't think so sweet cheeks."

You don't know how bad I wanna kick his arse. He doesn't know what's coming for him, he don't know! "You can't control me!"

"I'm already doing it." What does that mean? Controlling me? How? Curse.

Okay Megan your on this stupid curse thing with everybody aren't you?! You're so dumb, think Daniela think!


What are you talking about?!


You're not helping me!


And that was the last thing I heard from Megan. Well, that was of much help, ain't it?

Then, I felt a hand grab me. "Martin what are you doing here?! You're suppose to be-"

"Shush Rose... Never know how to mind your business. I never liked you. Always butting in on peoples business that doesn't even involve you."

"You can't control me Martin. When will you ever get that through your thick skull. For you to be so smart, you are ridiculously dumb. Stay away from my family." At that moment, my mom, Lily,my bags and I, walked out of the food court.

"I'll be back Daniela. Just wait and see." That stink bag said, with a vinamous laugh at the end.


"Who the hell is Martin?!"

"I guess it's time to tell her Jason." my mom whispered to my dad. "It seems so Rose"

He took a deep breath and rubbed his legs with his hands ''Okay, Daniela sit down in that chair" I kept on pasin around the room. I couldn't find a possible solution to why Martin just showed up on me like a stubborn pimple.

"Daniela, you heard your dad, take a seat." I huffed and took a seat in the high chair.

"Okay, noow can you tell me what's going on? Martin is not the kind of gift a eighteen year old wants for her birthday, you know?"

"Yeah we know." They said in unison.

My mother began, "Well... You see Danie. Martin shouldn't be here."

"What do you mean?" Mother poked my father and then he said, "He was a close friend of mine. He wanted something, I said no, then one day he was gone."

"Gone? Where, like Philidelphia?"

They shook their heads no. Then gone where? "So you mean gone, gone, like dead?!"

"Yes Daniela. He was dead, and still should be. " "BBut why is he alive now?!" I quivered.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." Mom said.

"What did he ask for?" I inquisition-ed. "He wanted you to be mates with his son. However, I said no, then a few weeks after I heard he was dead."

Panic overwhelmed me, and I immediately got up from my seat."I feel like you're not telling me something. What aren't you telling me? "

"Martin is a wizard darling. The Greatest of them all."

I took a deep breath, "So what you're saying I'm the next victim to Martin the Great. Oh just great."

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