Chapter 11 ( You)

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Hey I'm back! Time to turn up, the song above is Fakin' by Diggy. I swear I love him even more after he made this. Enjoy guys.



"Oh is your perfect face messed up Nathan!"

Punch! Punch punch!

"OHH ARE YOU MAD THAT I'M GONNA BEAT YOU?!" I yelled at the heavy hanging inanimate object.

I hit it one more time and I was left on the floor struggling to receive air. The punching bag let out a weezing sound, and I screamed.

I rose up from the floor, dust myself off and left the room like nothing happened. You don't know how much of a pest Nathan is, he just makes me mad, like that's not normal. I think I need a run, I saw the window with a tree next to it.

I quickly opened it and jumped onto the tree, and I started to run as fast as I possibly can, then my I felt my bones cracking and my wolf started to come out, leaving my clothes in a ripped mess.

Finally! I heard Megan, my bipolar wolf said. Then I headed for our near by woods.

I kept on powerfully hitting the ground, probably killing some bugs along the way. Ohh he just always have to be in charge, does he! At first he was being fair, and now he just seems like he wants to always be in charge, or a jerk towards me.

That seemed to make me go even faster, then I heard a twinge snapp. As I went to look around, I smashed into something hard.

I fell back, and noticed it was a big oak tree. I groaned, pulled myself up and came to find, something I thought I would never see.

He is miiiinnnneee. No? What?!

What are you talking about Megan? This is just some wolf. Is he our mate or not? I said. I really don't know... She responded

What do you... omg he is coming closer, What do we do Megan?!

Just calm sown Daniela, we can smell fear. But isn't he gorgeous! Then I said , How would I know? I'm attracted to human males or human like males. (Not monkeys, or apes people, but werewolves). Not wolves. That's some weird sheez, if I did.

I bet she is rolling her eyes now. I finally took a look at the wolf, he was red, with golden freckles in his deep purple eyes. It's weird yet so cool. He was a beauty to look at. And he smelt good too.\


Mystery Wolf's POV

She was so beautiful. My wolf totally agreed with me, she had wonderfully pure white fur with green eyes and golden freckles just like mine. I felt a connection with her, I wish I could just take her, and be the only one to ever witness such beauty.

I know she is beautiful, but you don't need to be a creep dude. My wolf retorted. I watched her a bit, she was different, a funny one.

Mine, mine, mine. That instant I was reminded that she was my mate. I moved forward and I see she hesitated. She's scared, be careful dude. I don't want her to be afraid or me, like the rest of the world. I want her to love me.

I seriously rolled my eyes at him. Daniela might already hate us, because of what I did. However, it isn't my fault. She is being so difficult. She acts like we aren't even mates, but every time I try to say something about it, it just never comes out. I always end up doing or saying something otherwise.

I mind linked her. Why you fakin' Daniela?!

What are you talking about? I heard her say. Is she really serious?!

I gave up. Never mind. But I want you to be treated like your supposed to.


I caught her by surprise when I came up to her and rubbed my nose against hers. The rest of the day I was running around playing with my beautiful mate.


Daniela's POV

Noo!! I shouted through mind link. Red threw me onto his back. I don't even know. Don't ask me, but he thought it was funny to go down into the pond with me on his back.

As soon as my fur touched the water, I yelped up about six feet into the sky. I swear I heard Red laughing. Even his laugh is perfect.

I shook the water from my body, and I giggled at our situation. Soon after Red and I sat together and stared at the moon, we both thought it would be cool to howl. And that's exactly how we ended the night.

Howling to the moon.


Shout outs to my husband, Daniel Simmons III, AKA Diggy.

I used parts of his song (Fakin') in this chapter. It was a pleasure writing this.

Can you guess who the mysterious wolf is? It probably won't be tha hard, but the first person to get it will definitely be getting a dedication.

Thanks for reading.

Sorry for kind of changing my writing style, but I think this new style will get this book where it needs to be. Again thanks for reading.

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