Chapter 2 (Tasks, Tasks, and more Tasks)

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Sorry I just couldn't wait til next week here is your chapter:

Hi again! Thanks for that vote, I can't believe I got a vote on the first day, thanks guys! And I got no comments, that means I ether scared you for life or stunned you with how good my writing was . ;)


Now I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter, better is yet to come, at least I hope. I've been thinking about this story nonstop. I have faith that this book will make everyone feel good about themselves :)

Let me stop with my extra long authors note. I hate long author notes when all I wanna do is read.

Now I have a question?

What's taking you so long to read? Get on with the story yall. :) Ha blame me!

P.S. I'm not mad, I could never be mad at you guys; I love yall ;) Ik I say "yall" to much and no I'm not a country girl. I'm a city one.


I let out a big yawn, I cracked my neck a bit.

I know it sounds kinda harsh, but it feels good. #Dontjudgeme

After that party with darkness, I felt settled. I am so glad that was all a dream, like come on, me... Alpha? Seriously have some weird dreams. Haha -HOAFF!

Yes I did fall right on my face trying to get out of my bed with my tangled sheets.

And yes it did hurt. Again,#Dontjudgeme ;)

Forget that ever happened, please.

Now you guys remember when I told you that I was a busy seventeen year old?

Well I guess your wondering 'what do I have to be busy with if I have no school?'Now I know, you're all envious (Hair flip).

P.S. I hated school, so I had to get my butt outta there. That's why I am done with it at this age.

Now back to the point.

Question: What do I have to do, if I am not busy with school?

Answer: Well... brotha and sista, I got tons of work to do. And your about to find out. Are you ready to join this ride with me?

Yeah there is a smirk on my face, because you all don't know what your in for. It's too late to back out now. (Smile) Sorry!


As I finally finished brushing my teeth and washing my face, I head down stairs. You know what I love about living in this mansion?

I get to talk as LOUD AS I WANT. And do as much foolishness I want without being reprimanded.

Now your wondering why. Well it's because I get this whole floor for myself, I have my room, my own theater, game room, dance room (which I throw parties occasionally, not for myself, but I rent it out for schools to throw their proms and dances.

#Dontjudgeme, I needed to make money for myself after my parents didn't want to give me more to"waste on unnecessary stuff" as they say when I spent it ($345,000) on candy and nice clothes on a beautiful Saturday as today.)

Don't say I should of got a job at McDonald's,that could never happen, first of all I don't like to be tempted with food I know I will eat that is bad for me,

I don't want to make a costumer walk out of the restaurant I they dare come up to me with their foolishness foolishness, 'cause I know I will tell them off, and lastly,

I don't want to work at a place with ugly uniforms and I have to show up everyday when I have better things to do. #Factoflife.

As I reach the bottom of the stair case I hear Devon crying, which is not a usual thing for him, even though he is a baby.

"Hush, hush Devon. Here comes the airplane... Zoom zoom! " My mother says, trying to feed Devon baby breakfast food (Which seems to be all over the kitchen) and calm him at the same time.

'Morn'in Ma!" I beamed up at her, she seemed stressed and tired, her hair was all over the place and it look like she was a the peak to break down. I came up to her a Devon and kissed both of their cheeks, and I tickled Devon and he let out a adorable baby giggle. Which of course made me smile.

"Hey mom, I'll take over for you, go ahead and get your sleep" I said while getting my bowl of cereal.

Mom let out a relief sigh and pushed herself up to her room and said "Thanks Hun" That's my mom for ya, she is a burst of energy , but a couple weeks of no sleep can exhaust anyone even a strong Alpha blood line like hers.

I made Devon eat a hearty baby meal, as hearty as they go,cleaned up the kitchen and managed to put the energy combustive baby to sleep, while getting my most important meal of the day.

Once I settled Devon in his crib and silently closed his door. I made my way to my room to get a shower and get dressed to meet my best friend Lily for cram session, where we get her ready for her classes for college today.


I hop in my Lamborghini, which is red and very very expensive. Then my old man ran his was outside right before I took off, "Danie! Danie! Wait!"

Ohh my Lord! What now?! I love my dad but he has incredibly bad timing, I wonder how this pack even runs in the first place.

I put on my big smile and said "Hi dad" as pleasantly as I could, I hate being late, it's not my thing. I don't expect others to be late to my things so I should not be late either.

"So honey, now that you know that your Alpha-" What I thought that was a dream! "Wooh, hold on right there dad, I'm not really gonna be Alpha when I turn eighteen right?"

He looked dumbfounded, "Honey of course you will be Alpha. I wasn't lying yesterday." he shook his head "Well back to the point I was here for in the first place, You will have to come to the administrations annual meetings."

Now you guys can see my face total SHOCK, I hated being in that place, It.... was....soooooooo......BORING! Like I've never been that bored in my life.

"What dad?! I simply just.., CAN'T. I have a life you know?" I said to my father

"Well you will have to come regardless, you will be the Alpha of this pack and if you wanna change the way this pack meetings go, that's the job of the Alpha. But since your not Alpha yet, you have to do what I say because I am your father and Alpha. You will be coming to those meetings, do you understand?" He just had to use the Alpha tone with me.

"Yes Dad'" I let out a huge huff. I rolled my eyes and headed on my way to Lily.


Well isn't her life busy I think I might need to put a separate, shorter chapter to finish this. I hope I didn't overwhelm you with this chapter.

So how was it?

Inbox me on what you think should happen in this story.

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