Chapter 19 (Surprises & Thoughts (Part 3/5))

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Hello people, so this book is also coming to an end soon. After such a long wait, (three years I know, forever.....) I appreciate you reading my book.

 I have been working on this new version since July this year (2015), and I'm proud to say that it is coming very close to the amount of reads the first version had, succeed the amount of votes and comments. So I must have done better in my writing.

 But I couldn't do it without you, so thank you once again.

I plan to finish this book around February, by the grace of God. So look out for the book by then.  

***Please don't copy my story (I don't feel like I need to do this, but a lot of plagiarism has been happening to authors recently)*** SO PLEASE DON'T COPY, ASK FOR MY PERMISSION. 

If my readers happen to see any plagiarism without any notification that I wrote it, please report it to me. 

                 Thank you, 



Soon my chair turned around to face the  famous- sexy boy band and they sang One Thing.  Afterwards the spot light wasn't just a spot anymore, the whole area litt up and I saw the smiling faces of my family, friends, and pack.

I even saw some other packs there, like the Midnight clan , and a few from previously encountered packs.  Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves.

 "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIELA!" I almost fell out of my chair  by how loud they yelled. I was startled and startled good. This is the best birthday ever.

As I looked around me, I heard a familiar voice- Jasper "Happy Birthday-'' he started, then all the famous people sang into it. Then I heard August Alsina sing "Today is a special day for a special girl."

"That girlllll is yoooouuuuu Danielaaaaaa_____" Beyonce sang.  I was so happy, no one could of had a bigger smile than me.They all shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and gave me a big hug. I couldn't help but to scream after they let go.

Of course I had to be the one to overreact, and they all looked surprised and started to laugh. My parents have been rubbing off on me, I really need to get out of the house more often. I spend waayy to much time with them. 

"Okay, Daniela, how was that for a surprise?" My cousin Samantha asked.

"To be honest.... I was blown away. Thank you for all those who put their time and effort into giving me this surprise"

 A whole chorus of "You're welcome sweetheart" came my way. I gave a curtsy, and made my way to the crowd  after Sammy said "Lets celebrate people!"

I smiled and greeted everyone who told me happy birthday.

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