Chapter 21 (5/5 Belief Becomes Real)

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"But... Didn't you say that your name was Natalia?" He  drew his hand through his hair once more. I'm guessing  that's a habit for him, he's been doing it a lot since I've met him. 

Maybe you distress him.  Of course  Mrs. Annoying herself had to say something. You would think she would stop bothering me for one day- just one day, but she is inconsiderate. I shouldn't have expected more from her.

Samantha's voice burst through the speaker once again "Daniela, come on and dance with your dad!" Then she air shooed  me away.

I turned to face the stage and I turned my head to face Blake again "I'll explain later."  I haven't seen a boy so perplexed ever in my life I feel pretty bad,  now I'm reminded why I hate lying- always gets you in trouble.

The sea of people parted as I made my way towards my dad. He looked so proud of me. I really don't want to disappoint him, I just wished I would be as great as an Alpha as he was.... or is 

Dads smile broadened more as he saw me. "You look beautiful sweetheart." I smiled back and said "Thanks dad." I really loved the dress I was in, it had gemstones around the sweetheart lining and it matched my necklace. It was gorgeous. I even had white gloves with a bracelet that was a mixture of black and silver.

The orchestra began to play music and  my dad and I swayed back and forth to the sweet melody. My heart warmed for such a special moment. My dad will always be one of my best friends, I knew that for a fact. He always has my back and we can play around and we just get each other. I really couldn't of asked for better parents. I think they are the best pair ever.

When the music ended my dad bowed and I did a curtsy. I loved the feeling of the 19th century parties, it was so classy and lovely.

"Now everyone, we are gonna play a game. The lights will shut off and you will have to move around and mix up. Be mindful of where you step. Don't push anyone!" She warned.

" After you are done with the mixing the lights will turn on for a second and you start dancing with the first person you see. 

Then the lights will go out again and you continue dancing and talking with the person you dance with.

 This game you have to remember things about the person plus its like freeze, where the music stops you don't move. We will be calling you out people. So you better remember your facts!" Sammie looked like a mother who was warning her child.  I just had to smile at that.  She definitely would be a great mother.

"We want to see who will win the game! Whoever wins, gets $500. Everyone can play."

Everyone came to the dance floor , and I was really excited to do this. I have never played a game like this and this gets everyone to know each other. Sounds awesome to me.

Just as they said before, the lights shut off and Rock  With You by Micheal Jackson came on and I was I was doing my thing. Which is swaying my hips,  torso and head to the beat.  

Miss Perfect (With You (Better Version))Where stories live. Discover now