Chapter 20 (4/5 Unseen is Real)

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I walked deeper and deeper into the dark brown and green forest. I should be scared but I wasn't- at least not fully. Even though I wasn't scared I couldn't help feel a bit creeped out, like who wouldn't in a big and daarrkk forest all alone on their birthday? 

 Maybe I should of stayed at the party, but you know me I always make the wrong decision at the wrong time thinking it's the right one.

As my body was about to turn back around to head back to the party  I saw a dark figure moving really fast. Series of questions and thoughts bounced through my head, mainly I'm to young to die.

No one is too young to die Daniela.

Ohh shut up Megan, you are of no help right now.

I was just trying to tell you that you are wrong..... as usual. She mumbled the last part.  Like what type of person goes away from their own birthday party to roam aimlessly in the forest, when they have a possibility of dying? 

I'm that type of person. Now shut up, I'm trying to think. I rolled my eyes while smoothing out my hair and looked around to see where I should  go for safety.

Don't do anything stupid you normally would do.

Ohh I just really wished she would shut up right now. Sometimes- No- ALL the time I wonder why God gave me her as a inner wolf. Like I'm not a bad person, I don't deserve this. I even walked over those cracks so my mother won't break her back. See I'm a good child.

I let out a breath and started to climb a tree. As I was climbing holding unto the grips on the tree I just hoped my dress would not be a total mess when I got out of this... if I got out of this. I gulped and prayed a silent prayer once I reached the farthest my aching arms could take me. To be honest, I practically have no upper body strength, I'm surprised I even made it up this far- the things fear got me doing. 

I know the struggle. 

My head turned to the sound of big foot steps heading my way and a high and very off key screech of  "Nobody's perfect I gotta work it..".I couldn't help but to giggle when I saw a full grown boy dancing and singing to the old Hannah Montana groove.

My eyes grew big after I realized what I was doing, drawing attention. This wasn't a game of Marco Polo where Polo was closing his eyes, this time they can see me. However, this boy looks totally harmless. Then a quote came to mind, "Every thing is not what it  seems." I looked away and broke a stick off  the tree, just for my safety. 

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