Chapter 13 (The Works of the Lord)

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This is almost the same thing as it was in the original first publication of With You. This is the last part of the story we actually left off. However, this time more will be added. Stuff you never seen before.Yeah! We are getting close to the end people! Thanks for reading once again.


Just another day. While others are laughing, playing, getting drunk, praying, flying, running and doing whatever they do, some sleep in the grave yard. A sleep you can't come up from, at least that's what they make you believe.

In this grave yard, it's time for a trimming of the grass, the dead deserve a nice cleaning place to rest too, isn't that right?

As Anthony walks past a certain grave, the earth began to shake. People cease from the activities they are doing, oblivious of the terror about to occur. The sun is blocked by those dark gray clouds and this certain grave is coming apart.

"Today is the day that the Lord had made I will rejoice and be glad in it". This is the day Martin comes out to play. I sure wouldn't want to be the one caught in it. Anthony is the only naive wizard to ever think of passing Martins grave , and think everything will be okay.

Martin arise from the grave looking as pale as ever, just like a person would if they were to arise from a grave, living hell. He stepped closer to Anthony and gave him a wicked smirk.

Anthony was paralyzed in his spot, unsure of what to do. When he finally took out his sword to attempt to fight, Martin pushed it away and took a hold onto the young wizard.

Anthony heard of this happening but only in history books. Never thought this would happen to him. He now is aware of his inevitable doom, joining his ancestors in the grave.

Martin drains all the power out of the young man, leaving him only as a carcass. Martin threw what was left of Anthony down in his previous resting place.

"Stupid Wizard. Martin the Great never fails, you would of thought he heard stories about me. I guess my street cred is not as great as it use to be. Well, they don't know what they're in for. Time to visit that numb skull Jason.... Alpha Jason Jackson, are you ready?"


Nathans's Pov

I couldn't help but feel a sense of trouble over come me. I looked out the window, what surprised me is that the weather change so drastically, it was sunny and nice just 10 minutes ago, now it's raining and cloudy. As I walked out of my room, I came to find Ryker, my beta a soaked mess.

I laughed, "What happen to you Ryker?" I tried to stop laughing while saying that, but I just couldn't. He looked like a soaked puppy. He gave me a hard look, "You know what happened. Stop acting a fool Nathan, the stupid weather report was wrong." He huffed in Australasian accent. " 90 degrees my arse." he mumbled.

"Catch you later Ryker, maybe you can call up the news station and complain."

He smiled a bit. "Maybe I will". He got a towel at some point trying to dry his hair, while going up the stairs.

"Alpha Natwan!" Elizabeth calls. Elizabeth is the seven year old girl that has captured my heart. She is so small, powerful and smart. I just know that my little brother and her would make a fantastic couple. I saw her brown curls bouncing as she came near me. She looked like snow white.

"Yes Elizabeth. What did you wanna tell me sweetie?" She gave me a a big smile, with one of her teeth missing, she is adorable. "I wanted to tell you...I wanted to tell you, that yoyou should remember to come to History reading tonight with our neighborhood packs. "

How could we forget?

" No problemo Lizzy." I smiled and she did the same and we went our ways. That's what I loved about Lizzy , she gets me.

(Five hours later)

I arrived an hour earlier, waiting for each and every pack member of mine to arrive. Everyone should be here, or consequences will be made. When everyone eventually came, I step out into the gathering area of the Crystal Heart Pack, where everyone was sitting. An amazing scent hit my nose. I took a look round the room and my eyes met with blue grey ones.

It was Daniela, she quickly looked away, though. What's up with her? I shooked my head, she seriously be fak'in, I waited 20 years to be with her and she is treating me like this. Playing with my emotions.


Seth's Pov

Something bad it going to happen. Something bad is going to happen. A sour emotion over took me. I get these feeling whenever something dramatic is going to happen. So glad that tonight is history night. This is the night where we go into the prophecy's and history, they warn us of any danger. Some packs don't even know of the prophecy's, so we're lucky.

I came to my spot in the front part of the circle. "Hello werewolves, lets begin our prayer"




I opened the book of prophecy and we landed on a page and words magically appeared (Just like in that movie with the talking book, I think it was Enchanted)

"Packs are named after their history, future, present and past. The Midnight Pack, will not have a leader for a period of time, and will be in great trouble, until the Perfect One and the chosen mate, sets thee to tranquility. The Alpha and Omega Pack, is the first grouped pack in history and will be the last one standing, if the Perfect One prevails."

Then I heard a rush of talking and gasps. I let out a cough, trying to direct the attention back on me. "The Crystal Heart Pack, has the Perfect One, perfect as a human can be. She will go through a trouble because of the curse and if thee doesn't overcometh the devil that rouse from the grave, destruction over the land. Remember that sometimes your closest is your enemy. Be careful Perfect One. "

What's with this Perfect One stuff? She must impact the werewolf community a lot.

I closed the book only to see everyone dead silent all staring at me. All I heard was crickets chirping into the night. I swear that prophecy has to be the most detailed I've ever seen. Made my heart beat a little faster.


That's it guys!

Remember to vote and comment yall.

-DLOVE12 ;)

Couldn't wait, so you have two chapters today.

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