Chapter 5 part 2 ( Rigorous Life)

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Yello, Wattpaders! Isn't it funny how every time you tell people about Wattpad, they think you are saying Wetpad?! This never happened to you? If not, I guess I'm weird; I'll embrace it though. I am me, and God will always love me, that's what matters right?!

Sorry the last chapter was short, but I wasn't really feeling like writing last week. So you're lucky I even posted a chapter. Just didn't want to disappoint you.

What's bothering though is that every chapter gets less and less reads. And no one is voting or commenting besides my friend here, VISION21. That's why she has been getting dedications and she is a awesome friend. So it would mean a lot to me if you just voted and commented once in a while. I put some serious planing into this book and I want my hard work to value something.

Well, I just wanted to know, why haven't you started reading yet? I know It's getting old; but I just can't help it. Blame me!


So you obviously heard about my, recent adventure with my dad. He's... I can't even say it. He's, (Breath), making me, go to training with him.

And come on believe this, I came up with this master plan to get out of this stupid training and he still got his way out of it.

He said, he knew about my plan and about me rolling my eyes every time I did. I mean that's pretty creepy dad.

Hmmm. I wonder how my mother even deals with him? Or how Beta Seth is friends with him? That guy is ultimately cool and fun; yet still one of the smartest people or wolf I have ever seen.

He was my grandfathers Beta, and now my fathers and I am hoping he would be my Beta or advisior, he is hundreds of years old so he knows a lot of things.

So.... why is he friends with my dad? Dad is bossy and slightly uncool.

Seth was a historian and still in his studies. He is so valuable in this pack, no wonder why he's Beta.

Right now I am getting ready for. Ohh my lord.... training. This is probably the worst things that ever happened to me in my life.

''Daniela! Get down stairs. I don't know what's keeping you so long!" Of course he wouldn't know what keeps me so long. Of course he knows, I. Don't. Want. To. Go. To. Training!

He can know when I'm rolling my eyes and know my plans. But yet still, doesn't know how I feel about this training thing. That is utter foolishness!

While my baby is in the cold and dark tow shop. I have to go to training to pay off my little mistake. I told Lily that my dad will have my head on a platter. What I didn't know was that exercise was going to kill me first.

Ohh my life.

I dropped down on my water bed and

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