Chapter 9 (Is anything fair?)

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: miirakerr

Okay, I feel like I'm losing you guys. "Don't go!" she shouted. There is a whole lot more for you to read. Just stay with me. And High School is tougher than I thought. AHHHHHHHAHHAHHH!!!!

Pray for me! I think they might just eat me! NNOOOOO! I think they might just swallow me whole! My poor life, all gone. Smh. Pitiful, I know.

I don't want to knock myself into a coma like Daniela did, thinking she was gonna die. So let me start writing, while you read. Enjoy!


"Are we in agreement Ms. Daniela?" The beast said. I shook my head, and stood up, "Yes we are Mr. Carson. Have a good day, I hope this agreement will last."

As soon as I said that, he stood up, and held out his hand. I don't think I want to shake it, he could of liked sneezed in it. Like Eww.

A shout erupted in my head How ridiculous can you possible be!! Why, ohh why did I have to get you out of all the possible wolves in the world?! Like, I really don't deserve this. She huffed.

Ohh Mrs. Obnashous is back. If I could mentally roll my eyes, I would. I really don't have time for this. I looked up into Nathans eyes, and it was like he was searching my soul.

Not weird at all, like thats totally normal.... mmmhh, not!
He had a amusement running through his eyes.

Is this mutt laughing at me? Who does he think he is? Spongebob?!

I let out a growl, and he actually, hmmm, he actually... like he actually bursted out laughing.

I really dislike this man.

"Hahaha, ohh my lord. I just can't with you Daniela. Hahaha" the little bish Devil, was laughing so hard he was holding his gut.

Like I'm not that funny.

I rolled my eyes, flipped my hair and picked up my bag. I'm so AWOL right now.

Nathan cleared his throat, and said " Ohh come on Daniela," All I heard with that was a few rufflings with paper. And as soon I was about to unlock the door, I was pulled back.

"Look, I really don't want you to go yet. Can you just talk to me?"

Ohh why did he have to look soo hot right now? God really must of spent some time on this man, with the stong jaw line, with that straight and perfect nose.

'' Is that a yes? You can come talk to me when you're done checking me out. Okay?"

And he is soo perfect, just enough tallness, but not hoovering crazy tallness, beautiful brown grey eyes, and that mysterious smirk that he just wears, that makes him look Godly sexy. Wow, I'm blessed just to be in the same room as a perfect man as this.

Wait, what did he just say...

"Ahh, I wasn't ... um ... I wasn't checking you out!" Wow I'm soooo believable right now.

"Yeahh you.. weren't" He said with a smirk and a wink at the end. Ohh "I let you think what you want Nathan."

"You know I like when you call me Nathan, really cute." He said as he plapped down next to me in the really comfortable couch. I let out a moan of how comfortable this settee is.

I heard a faint growl, if I was human, I probably wouldn't of heard it. "Could you stop Daniela?" It sounded very strained. I immediatly opened my eyes and I see a very scary Nathan.

Miss Perfect (With You (Better Version))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें