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Anyway, this is the last update for this novel. It has been such a great experience writing this book. I would like to thank those who supported me from the start, those who read, voted and/or commented.

Thanks to the very few people at my new school that I like and tolerate and thank you- for the very few at school that read my book.

There may or may not be a sequel. So stay tuned!

Here is your epilogue:


Nathan POV

The cool sea breeze swept across me as I lay on the towel on the warm sand. I felt the warmth of the sun wrapped around my body. Serenity filled my soul with the sounds of the water beating against the shore and Sea Gauls making the area feel more peaceful and the sounds of families and friends having a good time.

The only thing that can make this even better is if Daniela were here. It would be lit and I'd get to hold her and tease her the whole time. A smile ran across my lips as the thought came to mind. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. When I didn't pay attention fast enough the person let out a cough to get my attention.

I got a sniff of the person and it made me feel even more at peace. I opened my eyes only to see the person I just thought about. There was my mate looking beautiful with her hair as long as it was when I first met her.

I smiled really bright with love in my eyes and suddenly she started to smile. Then her eyes glanced over to something she was holding in her hand, a bottle of sunscreen. Wondering if she wanted me to put some on her back, I saw her laying across her own towel.

Daniela was wearing a red bikini and she looked divine. I was thanking God for the beautiful mate I had received, I don't want anyone else besides her. She is amazing, inside and out. She is my Miss Perfect. I hope I can make her Mrs. Perfect Carson one day. I would do it today if it wasn't such short notice.

I finished putting the cream on her, and soon she sat up and we sat and stared at each other for a while. This has been the most amazing thing that had ever happen to me. It was like we were by ourselves and no one could ever disrupt us .

Oh, oh. She had a look of mischief in her eyes and she abruptly pulled me up from my seat and we ran into the ocean, splashing and swim racing each other.

At one point, Daniela forgot how to swim and it was mad cute. I had to reteach her after a dispute on her remembering and doing it on her own and me helping her. Sometimes she is too independent. Although that is very important she has to let me help her as well as she helps me.

We finally went back to my section of the beach were we partook in eating fruits and playing 100 questions.

"Is that rule about not kissing on the first date still in action?" I asked causally while putting a grape in my mouth. I took a look at Daniela, her face had a smile nor frown, it looked like she was thinking.

Finally she looked back up at me and had a small smile, "We are not in the real world Nathan. We're in the dream world." I scronched up my face confused. Extremely fast she grabbed my face and we had a passionate kiss." She looked me in the eyes once more and said "Until we meet again my love."


I jumped out of my sleep and rubbed my hair kinda mad that that was a dream and I didn't have the best kiss I have ever had, and I know what I'm talking about, I had my share of kisses from the opposite gender.

Then I remembered all the great moments I had with Daniela in that...Dream. I wished she got to experience it with me. I had a great time and I knew she would have had fun too.

I heard a cough and I looked around my room seeing no one. Then I heard a girly voice day "Oops I forgot!" and the spot where I stopped looking I saw someone appear in a bright white gown with a pair of clean gorgeous gigantic wings. Then I finally I looked at the face of the person and there was Daniela, the most beautiful I have ever sen her.

She looked so happy and at peace with herself, her skin glowed more that it usually looked and she had not one ounce of make up. She looked amazing.

"Hiiiiii" I said slowly. Why was she even here? Shouldn't she still be in that room? Everyone said she was dead. Even though I didn't believe it. She shook her head and smiled. "Yo, Nathan. I am having the most fun in heaven." she said elatedly. Is this a dream too?

"Umm." I closed my eyes and repeated "This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream."

"Nathan! This is not a dream." She came close to me. Her hand tried to reach out to touch me but immediately pulled it back- maybe it's because spirits shouldn't touch people.

"Yeah. As you know I'm sort of dead. Those daggers that almost caught my shoulder when I had that fight with Martin was suppose to all kill me, if they had all got me. However since only one caught me, it put me in slight death. If you know what I mean." She beamed and told me " I met God! Okay.." she breathe "He is awesome! Anyway....." she dwindled off, "God has a plan to get me back to Earth in a short period of time , he said about a year and we will resume our lives and we can do things like what we did in your dream."

"Wait. What are yous saying? That you were in my dream with me and we actually spent time together?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Thanks for believing I'm not dead. I knew there was a connection."She said dreamily.

"Yeah I knew you were alive, even though, you felt a bit gone from my life. People were continuously telling me that you were dead kind, it kind of dampened my mood. But now that I know you will come back to me, I am happy. You're Perfect and no matter what obstacle that goes on in life, the ones who care for you will always be there. I don't care what others have to say about you. I will always love you. I will always be With you, in your Crystal Heart Miss Perfect. I love you."

-----------------------------------------Okay I've finished my first book!!!-------------------------------------------



Thank you for reading all the way to the end. You have won the award of finishing a book. Congratulations!

So I will be working on my other works and hopefully be writing this new book called "How To Play A Player"....I'm really exited for this one ;) I will give you the blurb once I put it on Wattpad. Have a wonderful Life.

God Bless you.
Summer (July) of 2015-April 10, 2016

Miss Perfect (With You (Better Version))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu