Summary Time

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  If I get one vote and two comments in the next 20 mins, I'll post that new chapter I wrote  

Yay!! I got over a thousand reads!!

Okay speech time. *CLEARS THROAT*

"I couldn't of made it this far without you, you and you. *Points into crowd three times* God bless you all *cursys*. "

I really couldn't of made it this far without you guys. You must be speechless as always (cause you don't comment), I'll take that as a good thing. I really do appreciate you guys for reading. At least I'm not as a terrible writer as I was in the past. I hope to grow and write even better for you guys ;)

Okay so we have reached far in this book, the farthest I've ever wrote a book. So, now it's time to do a summary of what happened so far. Well, my way at least.

Chapter one (Generation): Daniela is at the administration meeting with her dad, that she so doesn't want to go to. She gives a whole speech about taking over the Midnight pack because the leaders have left and the pack was going crazy. Her dad elects her to be the next Alpha and she passes out.

Chapter two (Tasks, Tasks, and more Tasks): Daniela is at home, wakes up to greet her mom tired as ever, feeding Devon (baby brother). Daniela takes care of the baby for her mommy and then get ready to go tutor her best friend Lily. When she is in the car, her dad reminds her that she going to be the next Alpha; which she thought was a dream.

Chapter three (Task &a Meeting): While Daniela is coming down the staircase from tutoring her bestie, she realizes that her car is getting towed. The car that her parents bought her for graduating college, the Lamborghini. The handsome stranger won't give her back her car, but rather gives her a thousand dollar ticket.

Chapter four ( Trouble): Lily and Daniela goes to the Carson Towing company to get back her car. Nathan gives her a hard time, and tells her that since she is not old enough, the insurance holder has to go and sign for the car.

Chapter five part one (Training, really?): For getting her car towed,the punishment is a week of Alpha Training with her dad.

Chapter five part two (Rigorous Life): Daniela goes through the week of training, goes to get her car afterwards. Meets Nathan, finally learned his name is Nathan. Has delicious cookies that Nathan made.

Chapter six (Historians): Beta Seth's Pov: He learned that the Alpha Omega Pack has decided to move in on the Midnight Clan. The Omega comes up with the idea of Daniela to go and reason with the new ruthless Alpha, for experience purposes. Alpha Jackson agrees, but Seth and Jordan has to join her.

Chapter seven (Cars? Boy's? Or dreams?): Nathan and Daniela have a mini conflict, starting with the car, then the cookies, that Nathan made but won't give her the recipe for. Daniela gets her car back and heads home. Only to dream about an Angel telling her that she is cursed.

Chapter 8 (Time to Chill): Daniela ends up in the hospital because she got into an almost coma on the staircase, because she thought she was going to die,when she saw a black boot after hearing a whole bunch of crashes. Then after a few weeks her dad tells her that she has to have a meeting with the Alpha of the Alpha Omega Pack. When she arrives at the meeting, she find that Nathan is the Alpha.

Chapter 9 (Is Anything Fair?): They finally come to a decision and decides they will work together in the Midnight Clan thing. Parent tell Daniela and Nathan to watch each other, because of lack of trust.

Chapter 10 (Revelations and Plans): When Daniela goes to church the Prophetess tells her about the curse again and the guy responsible for it. Meets friends Jasper and Tasha.

Chapter 11 (You) : Daniela is angry at Nathan and jumps out the window going for a run, to clear her head. She meets up on a mysterious red wolf, who is sorta her mate, as said by Megan.

Chapter 12 (Sass is Beautiful): Nathan adores Daniela. Daniela invites him to her eighteenth birthday party.

Chapter 13 (The Works of the Lord): Martin the great arises from the grave. Prophecy is spoken about perfect one.

Chapter 14 (Unexpected Arrivals): Rose, Daniela, and Lily goes out to the mall at 10 Am for Danie's B-day. When Daniela is at the food court, Martin shows up.

Chapter 15 (Mates or Mates?): Daniela discovers that Martin was dead and wanted something from her.

Chapter 16 (Behind the Curtains): Everyone thinks that Daniela is the Perfect One. Her parents discuss the whole thing with the administration, and they decided to find the Perfect one through the process of elimination.

If you want the full thing, you can reread the chapters in you want. Remember to vote for all theses chapters. If I get one vote and two comments in the next 20 mins, I'll post that new chapter I wrote. Thanks guys.

Any questions? I'm willing to answer right now.

Feb 26, 2016

Miss Perfect (With You (Better Version))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें