Chapter 16 (Behind the Curtains)

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Sorry for the delay guys. This chapter is an in-between chapter, if you know what I mean. Enjoys, thanks for reading!

-That's Daniela's dress above!


Alpha Jason Jackson's POV

"You heard what the prophecy said Jason!!"

Then a whole collection of murmurs of "The Perfect One" and "how come The Alpha Omega Pack gets to be the last clan?" kinda stuff. They think my daughter is the "Perfect One". That is beyond ridiculous, my daughter couldn't be cursed. She just can't be, if anyone is coming for my child, they would have to come through me first.

"We have to help Daniela!" David said, "Ohh come on David," I stood up from my seat and rubbed my hair, "For the last time, DANIELA IS NOT CURSED!"

Then I felt a soft hand touch my shoulder, "Honey, calm down." I felt the familiar sparks and turned to see my beautiful mate, Rose. "Honey, would you tell them that Daniela is not cursed" I held onto her hands. "Cause they sure don't wanna hear it from me."

''Think about it honey." She turned towards Seth and said "Would you please reread the prophecy and lets see what up?"

"Everyone take your seat" Rose went forward, to the smart board and she wrote PROPHECY DETAILS with a nice curved line underneath it. "Okay Seth, read on"

Seth lets out a cough and soon all eyes are on him, "Packs are named after their history, future, present and past. The Midnight Pack, will not have a leader for a period of time, and will be in great trouble, until the Perfect One and the chosen mate, sets thee to tranquility. The Alpha and Omega Pack, is the first grouped pack in history and will be the last one standing, if the Perfect One prevails.

The Crystal Heart Pack, has the Perfect One, perfect as a human can be. She will go through a trouble because of the curse and if thee doesn't overcometh the devil that rouse from the grave, destruction over the land. Remember that sometimes your closest is your enemy. Be careful Perfect One."

I can get why they think my daughter is the 'Perfect One', we did grow her up right. However, it just can't be her! My daughter just can't be cursed. I just refuse believing that.

By the time Seth is finished, I look back over at Rose and view the notes she had taken down.

1) Perfect One: Perfect as human can be, go through trouble b/c of curse. If doesn't defeat the 'Devil'=Destruction over the land. Enemy=Closest to her. Crystal Heart Pack has her, she is going to set The Midnight Pack to peace. Only if she wins, Alpha Omega Pack will be the last pack standing.

2) Chosen Mate: Mate to the Perfect One, helps set the Midnight Pack to peace.

3)'Devil'- Rouse from the grave, -must be a bad guy because of the phrase "devil", also must want to harm "Perfect One"

Chronological Order:

Alpha Omega Pack started, Midnight Clan will have no leader & have trouble, then Perfect & her Mate will set it to tranquility, Perfect goes through trouble because of curse, has to defeat "Devil", & if succeeds Alpha Omega Pack will be the last pack.

After I was done reading, I see Rose discussing something with Seth. Soon she sat down and Seth came forward to the smart board.

"Okay administration. Luna Rose and I noticed how everyone doesn't like the fact that the Alpha Omega Pack gets to be the last and first pack. From all my readings and job as an historian, I know that the Alpha Omega pack was the first pack, consisting of all the werewolves, over time it has broken up into smaller packs, leading to ours and the other millions of packs around the world. So if I'm correct, all the packs will either come under the Alpha Omega rule once again, or will be eliminated leaving only the Alpha Omega pack."

Then the room started to burst with whispers again. "So, lets hope for the first one'" Seth cracked a smile and went back to his seat.

"Alpha, " I turned to see Daniel standing up ready to view his side, " This is completely bazaar, we can't let the Alpha Omega Clan take over! The Perfect one will just have to lose"

That's the moment I decided to speak up, I've been quiet for quite some time, "Daniel, shut up".
I heard the mutt huff out a breath. "Alpha, if you think that we succome to the Alpha Omega pack, and lose our place, then this pack is doomed"

I expected this place to erupt in murmurs, but this time it didn't. Surprise, surprise. I rolled my eyes, I still couldn't believe how illogical Daniel was being. "Look,"

I stood up and walked my way over to Daniel, "Daniel, Please read the last three sentences of the prophecy. " He got the book from Nathan and read,

"She will go through a trouble because of the curse and if thee doesn't overcometh the devil that rouse from the grave, destruction over the land. Remember that sometimes your closest is your enemy. Be careful Perfect One."

Then the realization face strucked his features, my case is now complete.

Then wise-guy Jordan stood up and said, ''So, she can't lose, or we will all have to suffer the consequences . If she wins, the Alpha Omega Pack controls. Might as well lose our packs than lose the world. Am I right?!"

"Yeah for once!" I heard someone say; I chuckled and couldn't help to agree with this person.


After hours of discussing this issue, we decided to train and help this "Perfect One", but we would have to do a process of elimination first.

This person would have to scream "Curse", not literally though, but they can if they want.

Tonight is my daughters birthday party. Right after our meeting, Rose went shopping with her and Lily.

Tonight is the night every father dreads, my daughter is gonna find her mate, maybe I should find him and take him hostage, so my daughter doesn't get involved with him.

However, I don't want a sad Daniela moping around the house, and I don't want to go to jail either. I'll just leave the lad, for now.

I came out of my room, and headed to the garage, I hopped into my Mercedes and drove to the location of the party. I know the house is big enough, but the whole sweaty teenager stuff ain't going down in my house. Ya feel me?

I came out to greet the designer, "Hello, Mr. Jackson" She said in her formal professional voice. "Hello Miranda. Is everything ready for my daughter?"

She nodded and said " Yes, except the throne thing and the slide show" That was my surprise for my Danie, I hope she will like it.


After I finished up with Miranda, I came home and landed on the couch trying to watch some football and eat some cereal.

My team was winning, and it was a good game.

Next thing I know, Daniela shouting "WHO THE HELL IS MARTIN?!", ruining my relaxation.

My wife sits beside me, oh this is gonna be interesting. Martin is not something I want to discuss. Images of the past come over me, I swear I even shivered.

"Honey I think we should tell her."

I guess I'll have to.


Feb 26, 2016

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