Chapter 27( Trails & Thoughts)

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I took in some deep breaths, trying to calm down myself. I held on to the sides of the sink letting out another deep breath and examined myself in the mirror. My usually bright and glowing self suddenly paled. Even though I might look strong on the outside, and seem fearless, inside I'm shaking.

I stared deep into my grey orbs. You could clearly see that I was distrait, like I was in some other world. Sometimes I wished people didn't read me like an open book through my  eyes. 

My eyes would give every emotion I felt inside, at times it would give me a disadvantage over certain situations like playing cards or trying to be happy in a awkward/ awful surrounding.

Other times, I could control it--but not very long. It was a tedious and difficult task to uphold.

There is also a reason for my distraitfulness (if that's a word).It's not like I know what to expect. This weird dead guy is trying to disturb my life.  Who even knew that people could just get up out of their graves and haunt young girls who are trying to live their lives. 

He must of been bored in hell to try and mess up my life.

Like he had his life, he doesn't need to interfere in mine. And werewolfs are popping out like jack-in-the-box saying that I'm cursed and this stupid, ignorant and insolent dead guy who did it.


I really don't get people or what happens around us. One day we're happy then the next we are sad and going through a make or break of everyone around you.

It's already stressful enough with being Alpha, and a woman- the first female Alpha. It's like I got to prove something to someone, saying that I'm good enough and show it too.

Now I got another headache with having to defeat this awful creature we call Martin. Like he seriously need s to get a life, he is annoying the heck out of me! If I don't defeat this creature then the whole world will have to suffer. I have to do the best.

Looks like God and I have something in common, we are both holding the world in our hands. Our actions affect our outcome, one snap of a finger God can eliminate everything. 

Just one wrong move for me and the whole world can suffer.

You know what I am gonna give up my share of burdens, and give it to God , he is much wiser than I, so he knows what to do.

That's all we need to do when we have difficulty in life

Then a small stilled voice (that was defiantly not Megan) said "Psalms 55 Verses 22:  Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken."

Somehow that calmed me down.

Splashing my face with water I gave myself a quick pep talk repeating in my head : You can do this, you can do this Daniela.

After that I heard a knock and a small voice "Danie, sweetie are you okay? You've been in their for a long time, are you okay?"

I let a small smile shine, to know someone cares for you is one of the greatest feeling in the world.

"Yes mom, I'm a fine." 

Opening the door I greeted my mom and we went back into the dinning room where we discussed the plan that Martin probably won't expect.

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