Chapter 18 ( Life of the Party (Part 2/5))

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Shout outs to SirRob. It is such a pleasure to grace your presence (even though you might never read this). You made my favorite book on Wattpad "Storm and Silence", we need Ambrose back btw. Can't wait for the sequel!!! 

"Storm and Silence" is amazing, and one of the best books I've read on Wattpad, along with "Riley's Tale on the Opposite Gender".  Both got me tearing up. I remember crying so much after reading, it was as if theses characters are real.

I hope to become as good as a writer as these authors, they inspire me and rebel against the cliché and make me an extremely proud reader. 

Now that's done with.... Hey guys and girls! I hope you have been liking what you have been reading. Like I implied before, I'm not as great of a writer as the writers of the books above, but I try. So I hope you are still on for the ride.

"WHHHHOOOOOOOOAWW" *Going down the roller coaster*


As I entered to building, I kept on think that if they try to surprise me by jumping out from behind thing  that it would be all to corny. And I can't have that, not at my party.

Jasper opened the door for me, and  the room was dark. Ohh here it comes, the all to corny birthday party. I mentally rolled my eyes.

Then a flat screen television light came into view and It said" -HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIE!! WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU-" The room went to dark again.

Then another television monitor light came from across the room, it showed a picture of a little girl who had ice-cream all over her shirt but laughing  with a tooth missing. That little girl was me. Under the picture it said "Remember when you were five and you first tried Ice-cream?"

I smiled at the memory. My dad bought me chocolate ice-cream, I tried it, it was good then it fell on me and I laughed, but never picked up another chocolate flavor ice-cream again because it messed up my favorite shirt.

The TV went off, leaving the room dim once again. Afterwards the TV in the middle of the room came on,  the monitor said "Baby Times"

And there I was in the hospital fast asleep and my mother holding me in her arms, smiling down at me.  The title changed to " Motherly love". My heart warmed.  On the same TV monitor, A new picture came on  and it showed me and my dad sleeping.

 Another picture came on with me in my church outfit, that I would never put on myself if I knew. Another photo came on and this was me crying on some lady I didn't even know, but they tell me it's my godmother. 

The next picture had me wrapped in a blanket and me smiling.  In the next, it was a blurry picture of my friend and I riding a bicycle.  The pictures kept on coming I felt like I relived part of my lifetime. There were pictures of me on the plane, with my friends, my first day at kindergarten, my birthdays, Christmas's , my dances, my talent show performances videos, at the time I thought no singer was better than I.

Of course I was wrong.

I didn't expect this and  the next thing I know, I'm sitting on a chair  and a stage light comes on  a group of people dancing while Trevor Jackson was in the middle singing  my favorite song, Like I do.

He reached out to touch my hand and I almost had a seizure right there on my chair. My family really out did themselves.

When I thought I had finished with my seizure, I almost catched the holy spirit when I saw my  girls, Beyonce, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj steep out singing in harmony, with a mash up of my favorite songs by them. I was smiling so hard that I shed a tear. 

Then I heard the words "You don't know your beautiful..... OHHHHOHHHOH. That's what makes you beautiful-" I turned around and I saw One Direction..... and guesss what?!

They got Zayn to come back just for my birthday party.

My life felt complete and this was just the start- Cause I'm getting my ice-cream cake.

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