Chapter 30 (Disaster + Donuts )

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Okay, So I will be doing something like an epilogue and maybe another chapter. So this is not really the last chapter, but it is- if you know what I mean. 

Happy birthday to my mom- 3/24/16, grandma- 3/18/16, Samantha- 3/21/16 , My Niece Delina- 3/16/16 and My Dream husband (Diggy Simmons) 3/21/16

Happy Easter to you all.


                                                               FUN FACT (READ BEFORE YOU READ)

Hey! Did you know that donut is spelled two different ways?! 

Doughnut and donut. American Dunkin' Donuts were the ones who  started using the shorten version  of 'doughnut'. 'Donut' wasn't really popular until the 20th century when the business above put it into the name. The English world and the dictionary does use the original version of 'donut'; which is doughnut.

Since I just discovered it, I will be using both versions. I'm Jamerican- so we spell it as so: DONUT. And I love  trying to talk with a British  accent and they spell it as DOUGHNUT.


I took another bit into the circle of goodness. Letting out a moan of gratification take sound in the Best Doughnut Shop in the World (Yes, that is the name of the shop & it is the best donut shop in the world).     

It is owned by an old sweet English couple. Their doughnuts are surely the bomb. I opened my eyes and my eyes met with theirs. While I was chewing I smiled and gave them a thumbs-up, letting them know that their donuts are still good. 

Afterwords, I let my grey orbs drift towards my family..... and Nathan. They all seemed to be in deep thought. I saw Devin eating his first donut ever, and he seemed concentrated on eating his piece of heaven. So of course I had to take picture.

This was a good time to thank God for doughnuts. So I thanked God for doughnuts. As the saying goes, thank God in all things. And every time I do that, my life seems a bit better.

I know all of you are pretty confused and probably saying, 'What the heck is in that letter?' and 'Why are you in a doughnut shop when you should be kicking that devil back to hell?

It's not something I will like to refresh myself with again- but if I could refresh my taste buds of donuts I would absolutely love that- (ok back to the point) - I have to tell you even though I hate it. You'll get a bit confused and sadly I don't got time for that.

Alright, lets start with the time I was paranoid and stressing over that douche.

The words kept on repeating in my head. It was like a broken record that burned people. I felt my eyes water a bit. 

I shivered and and uneasy feeling overwhelmed me.  What am I possibly suppose to do? I'm just an eighteen year old girl. Why do I have to go through this? I'm not ready! 

Okay CALM DOWN DANIELA! You know how you get when you're under pressure. Calm down! I took deep breaths trying to chill out.  

Suddenly I feel something jab my right arm. "What's good Nathan?!" I said while rubbing my hurting my arm.

He smirked and then looked down at the arm I'm rubbing "You're making  me love my name  even more everyday. Are you alright though?"

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