Chapter 17 (Reality of the Game)

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I'm gonna update anyway.

I know this is a lot of updating, but creativity is flowing and this is the peak of the action people, only the peak. I hope you didn't give up on the ride yet. Cause we still gotta finish the peak and go down- or should I  say up the roller coaster people. Expect the unexpected people. Expect it!

*Omg I HAVE 1,000 READS, thank you so much!

I hope you like the chapter ;)


Today has been something. This is not the type of birthday any eighteen year old would want.  They would probably wanting a new car or something, but I get a dead guy from the grave who wants something from me.

Now I'm gonna have to meet my mate and I'm a nervous wreck. This is just not my day, but it is at the same time.

Then, there is this stupid curse thing. And guess what?! Everyone keeps on saying it's me, like come on! I know I made the whole take over Midnight Pack plan, but that does not make me the "Perfect One", cause believe me, I'm far from perfect.

How about Perfectly imperfect?

What are you even talking about Megan? Perfectly imperfect?

Like, if you are perfect just the way you are. You are a whole because you are everything you're suppose to be. Perfectly imperfect.

Well, I guess that makes sense, but others probably won't think the same.

Yeah, because humans are too ignorant. They think perfect is what others think of you, not the way God thinks of you.

I swear she is some philosopher. She probably was one, because when a werewolf dies they become a inner wolf for another werewolf. When the werewolf dies, the inner wolf finally dies and goes where it is suppose to go. Their mate gets a new name, and still are mates through the werewolves,  so when they are both dead, they'll meet up once again. So all perfect matches there.

Knock Knock

I put on my last daub of make up, which isn't much because it irks my soul. Plus I don't want my skin being affected by it when I'm older. 

"Come in" Then I see Jaspy poke his head in, "Are you ready?"

'Yeah, just five more minutes"

"Okay, I'll be waiting here by the door"  After he said that he shut the door.  I let out a breath and opened up the curtains letting the glorious sunshine in. 

I went to my dresser and opened up the timeless jewelry box. I admired the impressive piece of jewelry. It was so beautiful, my grandmother gave it to me; it was a a heart made of crystal. I remembered when she gave this to me, she was on her death bed, her frail voice said "Daniela, come here sweetie." I slowly walked to her , "Yes, grandma".

She waved for me to come forward, "Jason pass me that jewelry box right there." My father gave her a amazing  box that was really beautiful with rime-stones around it, my eyes shined. "Honey, in this box, there is something that will guide you. It will guide you my granddaughter, that evil man has a trap, but this will guide you my dear.. it will guide you..." 

That was the last thing I heard, and a breath was let out, my grandmother left my presence with her eyes closed.

I slowly drifted back into reality, my eyes glistened; I really loved my grandmother, we use to do so much together.

I tried to pull myself together. Tonight is not the night to cry. It's a time to rejoice, I'm turning eighteen, gonna meet my mate, gonna party till tomorrow.

With that said, I took one more glance at myself in the mirror, smiled and walked out the room. 

"Hey Jaspy, you look quite nice". He straightened out his spine and said "I try, I try", then we both start to laugh while coming out of the house. We entered his car.

"Are you ready Daniela?". After I fastened my seat belt I thought for a while and said "I think so Jaspy."

He faced me and outered "Daniela look at me", I turned my head slightly "If this mate of your's bothers you, or you don't sense something is right, come straight to me. Okay?"

"I'll be fine Jasper, don't worry."

"I mean it Daniela, any funny business and I'll be on his case. You got that?" Why is it that everyone who cares for me, overreacts so much?

I rolled my eyes and said "Yeah, whatever Jasper."

 He cleared his throat, "Okay, It's time to get crunk." I shook my head at him, "No one say's crunk any more."

"I'm bringing it back baby." I smiled and we drove of into the flashy lights of my party.


So I've decided to make this chapter into four parts. I hope you like it.

Can I get some feed back or some votes, I would really love it!

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