Part 17

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Nika's POV

When we landed Justin and Nash drove me and Ana to our house. We went inside and they sat on the sofa while I ran upstairs to get my script. I couldn't fine it anywhere. I looked under my bed, no luck there. I threw all of the stuff that was on my bed on the floor and I found my script. Then I started to read it.

Ana's POV

"Hey guys you wanna watch a movie?" I asked Justin and Nash. "Yeah!" They said. "Okey pick one movie and I'm going to change." I said and ran up to my room. I put my hair in a high ponytail and went to the closet. I picked out a big gray sweater with a minion on it and gray knee high socks. And with that I ran back downstairs. I saw that they made popcorn and they've already picked out a movie 'The Conjuring'. "Really? A scary movie?" I said with a serious face. "Yes. And if you are scared you have two guys to protect you." Nash said while laughing. "Fine, fine." I said and sat in the middle of them. I was holding popcorn and when the scary part came up I threw the bowl of popcorn in the air. They both just laughed. "Now we need more popcorn." Justin said. "I'm going to get it." I said and stood up. I walked to the kitchen and made popcorn. While I was waiting for them to be ready. I heard weird noises. I turned around and nothing was there, I slowly walked to the door and before I could open them Justin and Nash screamed and scared me. "You fucking fuckers!" I yelled. They were laughing so hard. We went back to the sofa and wanted to watch a movie, when Nika came down. "Can you guys be anymore annoying right now?" She said. "Yes we can." Nash said and laughed. "Ohh come on babe. Come and join us." Justin said. "Fine." She said and put the script on a table. She joined us on the sofa and sat beside Justin. They cuddled and me and Nash just looked at each other and smiled. That made me think, what even are me and Nash? Friends? Kinda relationship? Friends with benefits? We act like friends nothing more. Nash saw that I wasn't watching a movie. "Are you okey?" He whispered to me. "Uhh? Yeah." I whispered back. "Are you sure?" He asked again. "Yeah don't worry about it." I said and continued watching the movie.

Nika's POV
When the movie was done I asked Justin to drive me to my audition. I felt so nervous. Justin went in the building with me. We were waiting and waiting. There was a long line. When they finally called my name I hugged Justin and he wished me good luck. I went in and I needed to tell them something about me, and I did. Then I read couple of sentences. "Okey. If we pick you, we'll call you tomorrow." They said and with that I walked out the door. "So how did it go?" Justin asked me. "Well I think it went well." I said smiling at him. "Well let's go home." He said and we started to drive.

Nash's POV

It was 5pm and me and Ana were still watching 'Pitch Perfect'. And when the singing part came up ,we jumped around and sang along. But then Ana fell to the ground. "Fuck!" She yelled. "What's wrong?" I asked panicking. "I think I sprained my ankle." She said. "Fuck. Here let me help you." I said and started to carry her to the car. "You cool?" I asked. "Yeah let's go." She said and I started to drive.

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