Part 32

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Ana's POV

It was about 3pm and I was in my hotel room with Cameron, Matt and Nash but I was on my phone. I got a text from Nash

N: Do you wanna go to the movies? ;)
A: Sorry can't I'm going with Matt.

I looked at Nash and he was looking at me with a surprised face. I wasn't really going with Matt but now I have to.

A: Hey Matt. Wanna go to the movies? :)
M: Yeah sure. Right now? :)
A: Yes :P

I got up and walked to the door and Matt followed me. "Where are you two going?" Cameron asked. "Ohh to the movies." I said and walked through the door. "So which movie are we going to see?" Matt asked with a smile. "Ohh I haven't watched Jurassic World." I said. "Well let's watch it." He said. He grabbed my hand and we needed to sneak out because of the fans. We walked out at the back of the hotel and some fans were there. He let go of my hand and took pictures with fans. I just stood there waiting for Matt when a girl came up to me. "Can I get a picture?" She asked with a smile. "Sure." I smile back. We took a picture "Are you two dating?" She asked and pointed to Matt. "No we're just friends." I said. "Well you two would look cute together." She said winking at me. "Thanks I'll tell him you said that." I said with a small laugh. We started walked to the movies "One fan said that we'd look cute together." I said and kinda blushed "Really?" He asked "Yup."  We watched the Jurassic World in 3D. When the movie ended we went to a restaurant. We ordered one big pizza and waited for the waiter to bring it to us. "So what's with you and Nash?" He asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked him back. "Well since we got here you aren't really talking. Well it started when you got out of the bathroom at the airport." He said. "What's your point?" I asked not wanting to talk about it. "What happened at the airport?" He asked looking me deeply in my eyes. "Well Madison is obsessed with Nash and she threatened me that if she sees me out with him or just hanging out she'll make up something about me so everyone would hate me. And then she kinda slapped me." I said looking down. "Wow she's that mean?" He asked surprised. "Why are you surprised?" I asked. "I didn't think she was like that." "Well she definitely is." I said and our food came. We ate it and walked back to the hotel. Before we went in to the room I stopped Matt "Please don't tell Nash anything." I said. "If you want me not to tell him." He said. "Thank you." I said and hugged him. We walked in the room and saw Cameron, Nash and Madison sitting on the sofa. "Ohh hey Ana." Madison faked smiled at me. I sat on a bed that me and unfortunately Nash shared. They were watching a movie so I decided to join them.

Nika's POV

I was done filming at 6pm and walked out of the set. I saw Justins car and walked to it. "Finally." He said smiling. "Well hello to you too." I said and hopped in the car. "I got you a dress. It's in the back." I went to the backseat and saw this hot pink dress and with high heels. "Don't look." I warned Justin. "Okey okey." He said and drove. I took of my top and saw Justin looking. "I said don't look." I said and laughed. I changed and and sat back in the front. He drove us to a fancy restaurant and like always paparazzis were there. We walked in and sat down. We talked about what was happening on the set and about his new music. It was getting late so he drove us back to his house where we cuddled and feel asleep.

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