Part 37

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Ana's POV

My heart started pounding. I could see Nash was feeling kinda excited but at the same time scared of what is going to happen. Before I had time to question it we were both pushed into the closest and the door shut. I tried to slow down my breathing because I swear I could hear my heart pounding. Nash was pushed up against me no less then a centimeter of space between our faces. I could feel his warm breath against me and I could feel his toned stomach pressed against me. For a moment we just stood there in silence, looking at each other. "Do you think they planned this?" I laughed at him. He smiled and I felt his hand brush against my hip, I think he wanted to hold my waist. "Yeah probably." He giggled back at me. I felt my knees go a little weak until I dropped slightly and Nash moved his hand up to my waist to catch me from falling. He slowly moved me back to eye level. I desperately wanted to kiss him, but my head was questioning it. I saw Nash's head was moving slowly down to mine whilst his hands were moving further up my back. He wants to kiss me. I started to move in myself, our lips barley touched but we heard the door being shut very loud and both our heads separated before the kiss even began. "What was that?" I asked. "No idea. Wait here." He said as he slowly opened the closest door. "Where is everyone?" I asked pushing my head out the door slightly. "I don't know. But there's a note." Nash said as we both stepped out of the closest. Nash picked up the note and started reading it. "Sorry we left when the things got interesting, we thought it would be the best to leave you too it. Love Alex, Cameron, Matt and Stacie. P.S. There's cond-" Nash coughed then finished. "There's condoms in the bathroom. Love Cameron:D" we both laughed. "I guess they were planning it all along." I said and Nash laughed. "Yeah, I'm gonna kill Cam." He said trying to be angry. I sat on the floor and leaned on some pillows. "Well are you going to join me or what?" I joked. "Just to clarify, we're not having sex." I said laughing. "Ohh man. I thought we were." He said while trying to keep a straight face but failed. We were talking for a bit and ten he asked me a strange question. "What's your dream guy?"    "Umm well he has to be funny, smart and I want him to be interested in movies and animals because I love both. Ohhh and he can have a toned body but not to muscular." I say the last part a bit quieter but he still hears what I said. "Oh man!" He says. "What?" I asked confused. "I guess I'm too muscular for you." He says. I laughed maybe a little to loud and he jump up. "Excuse me? I have a perfect body." He says with a laugh. I stand up and walk close to him, so now we are as close as we were in the closest. "Prove it." I whisper. He steps back ang giggles a little before pulling his top over his head showing his toned stomach. I stare, maybe a little to long. "Like what you see?" He askes.

Nash's POV

"Like what you see?" I say to brake the tension and she moves close to me again. My mind flashed back to how we almost kissed minutes ago, ohh how I wanna finish it. She looks up into my eyes, her blue eyes make me a little less nervous. I see her bite her lip slightly which I have to admit turns me on a lot. I move my hand to her waist and slowly move my hands under her top to feel her warm soft skin. I move my head in. My face is only centimeters away. "Ring! Ring!" The sound of her phone fills the room and ruins the moment. She snakes out of my grip and answers the phone.

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