Part 23

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Nika's POV

We finally landed in LA and it was about 7am. Me,Justin and Nash drove to our house. I opened the door and placed my suitcases next to the door. "I'll take that to your room." Nash said and grabbed my suitcases and went upstairs. "I was thinking.." Justin started talking. "About what?" I asked. "About you moving into my house. But only if you want." "Wow really?" I asked surprised. "Yeah so you don't have to pay for the rent anymore." "I don't know. I'll ask Ana about it. Okey?" He was kinda sad now because of what I said. "Yeah okey."

Nash's POV

I went upstairs and placed Nika's suitcases in her room. I went to Ana's room and slowly opened the door to se her and Cam in bed together and they were cuddling. I tought he was going to help me win her back, not take her away from me. I went back downstairs "I'm going." I said to Justin and Nika. "Why?" He asked me. "Just look in Ana's room and you'll know." And with that I walked to my car and drove to my apartment.

Nika's POV

"What's with him these days?" I asked confused at what he said. "Yeah I know. You should get ready for the movie." Justin said. "Yeah." I got up "I'll be right back." I said and walked to my room. I changed my clothes to black leggings, an oversized T-shirt and black converse. I went downstairs and Justin was waiting for me. "Come on you can't be late on you first day." He said joking. "Yeah yeah let's go." So we walked to his car and drove to the movie set.

When we got there Justin said goodbye and I walked into the set. I meet my co-star Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner, Anna Kendrick and others. Then we started filming and it was so much fun.

Ana's POV

I woke up and looked at my phone it was 11am. I slowly got up and went to the kitchen. I made myself some pancakes and sat on the sofa and turned on TV. I was watching Disney Channel when Cameron came down. "Good morning." He said with his sleepy voice. "Morning." I said looking back at TV. We watched it for about half an hour "I'm gonna go home. You know, because of Nash." "Yeah that's fine. My ankle is a lot better so yeah." I said and he got up. I got up as well and hugged him. "If you'll need anything just call me." He said. "I will don't worry." I said and he got into his car and drove off. I went back to the sofa and went on Twitter. I saw that Jc and Kian followed me so I followed them back and I stalked them, nothing new for me. I got really bored so I went to the park.

Nash's POV

When I got home I started to unpack so I can distract myself from Ana and Cam. I went on Twitter after I was done. I saw that Jc and Kian followed Ana. I heard the door open so I went downstairs. "Hey Nash." Cam said and closed the door. "Hey? Are you for real?" I asked laughing. "What?" He asked confused. "I tought you are going to help me with Ana, not take her from me." "Dude, I didn't take her away from you." He said all calm. "You sure? Then why were you in the same bed together?" I asked. "Ohh you saw that?" He asked kinda shy. "Yeah I fucking saw it!" I said back at him. "Hey don't need to be all mad about it. I won't see her again so who cares." He said. I didn't want to continue talking to him so I went out and to the park.

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