Chapter 4

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*After school*
Jasmine POV
My mom was driving me home from school and I told her the whole story, which we both end up laughing. She told how sorry she and that I deserved better, even though I was only 14. When we got home I went upstairs I started doing my homework until 5:30 and then we were going to have family meeting. Great....(sarcasm)
Everyone sat down and it was silent until our mom spoke.

"So, you found out sooner or later that we are moving....", she said with a long pause.
"WHY THOUGH WHY"? and now I was now screaming. "I CAN'T MY LIFE IS HERE AND MY BEST FRIENDS!!" and with that I ran to my room and slammed the door.

Jessica POV
"Mom just give her time to cool off but why are we leaving why, where, when, and how?" I asked trying to stay calm.
"Well, its been so hard on me and I can't afford to live in Texas anymore, but my good friend Elizabeth Grier, said she'll help me out but that requires us to mov-" she was going to continue but was interrupted by jasmine running down the stairs.
"I'm staying at Gabby's house for the night and her mom said it was fine", she said now heading to the door.
"Okay sweetie but tomorrow we need to talk when you get home, okay?" she said why playing with her thumbs.
Jasmine nodded and kissed Jude forehead and walked out.
"Mom you were saying..." I said in a rude tone.
"Let's talk about it at dinner, alright" she said and Jude and nodded while walking to the dining room.

Mike POV
I was doing my homework while listening to music when I heard loud slobs outside. I tried to walk but i couldnt because of what Gabby did to my leg. Im still suprised she didn't get suspended. I look out the window and saw Jasmine crying while walking slowly. I'm such a screw up, I'm the reason there's no us anymore and why just so I can be popular. I realized I lost the most amazing girl in the world and now I regret it...

Jasmine POV
I was crying while walking slowly down the block. I know I said I was going to Gabby's house but I just wanted to see Mike. I missing his hugs and lips. I don't know I just need him right now. He opened his window and started talking

"I'm sorry Jazie, I'm so stupid, I don't what got to me, the people, the popularity. Kim just got to my head and now I just realized messed up and ruined something that we had special..." He was talking but I just ran off to Gabby's house.

If he loved me, he won't have done that to me and he won't have hurt me, his lips are just full of lies and if you think he had sorry he did but when you look deeply in them you know he was just trying to make you feel better. But that's the last time I'm going to get fooled. The day I fell for you is going to be the day I will never forgive you....

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