Chapter 21

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Jasmine POV
*Week later*

I woke up to my snoring. I turned around expecting Matt but Nash and Cameron were next to me. I giggled and sat up. I checked my phone and saw that it was 10:30 p.m and were leaving in two hours. I got off the bed and went into the bathroom. I played my Beyoncé album and took a shower. I washed my hair with bath&body works vanilla shampoo and conditioner. After, I finished I put on my white and black striped tank top with ripped jean shorts and black boots by traffic. I put on mascara and lip gloss. I got out and saw that the boys left.

I decided to go get my bags and head down lobby to put my bags in the car.
When reached the last floor, I saw Hayes kissing Kim and I rolled my eyes. I walked pass them and saw Kim smirking at me. I wanna bitch slap that smirk right of her cake face, so badly. I felt two arms wrapepd around me and swirl me around and I notice it was Hayes and rolled my eyes again and snorted. I push him off and walked to the van.

"Hey Jazzy", Matt said while walking up to me and kissing my cheek, which made m bluh.


"You okay?"

"I'm just so excited that I'm going be seeing all my friends again."

"I can't wait to meet them too", he smirked and I nudged him.

"I'm craving for some pizza and Nutella", I said while walking to the café in the hotel. They have a breakfast Café in the hotel fyi.
We walked in and the guys were already eating. I sat next Tay and Nash.

"I'm craving for some cream cheese baby", Taylor yelled and everyonr started laughing.

"Typical Taylor" Jack J said and I nodded while giggling like an idiot. Everytime Matt looks at me, he would wink, which made me blush like an tomato.

Jack J POV
It's so cute how Matt flirts with Jasmine, they'll make such a cute couple. I don't want Jasmine to get cheated on again. I'm glad Bart kick Nick out of Magcon and sent him back to North Carolina, so sadly there's no more Nasmine.Jasmine has been like a sister to me and I can't bare to see her sad. I'm the only one knows she cuts but she stopped a week ago. She promised me that she will try not to cut again. I know her more than she knows herself. I know she likes Hayes but denies it, but if Matt makes her happy than I'm happy.

Jessica POV


"Okay the seats Nash, Jess, Cameron. Jack&Jack and Carter. Shawn, Aaron, Matt, and Taylor. And last Hayes and Jasmine", Bart said and everyonr nodded.

I walked to Jasmine and saw that she was drinking Starbucks with Hayes.

"Hey love birds", I smirked and Jass glared at me, meanwhile Hayes was blushing.

"Shut up", she said while laughing.

"Awe my sister is crushing on someone", I said and she blushed. Hayes just blushed too and looked away.

"Whatever, shoo, aren't you supposed to be eating Cameron's face off", she giggled and Hayes chuckle too.

"My sister is a real female dog, huh?", I smirked while walking away. We always joke around because were sister duh, but we don't hate each other.

I walked over Cameron and hugged him from behind noticing him talking a girl.

"Oh sorry-y", I said embarrassed.

"Oh it's fine bae, just talking to a fan", he smiled and I just nodded while shrugging.

Matt POV

"Plane 23 now boarding to North Carolina", lady said and we all headed onto the plane. I was kind of mad that I couldn't sit next to Jasmine but I just shrugged it off. I saw Jasmine put on her headphones anf layed her head on Hayes lap while he played with her hair and listen to music. THAT SHOULD BE ME!

"Dude are you okay?", Shaen asked while snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yeah man, why?", I asked curiously.

"Well I can tell your jealous. Dude Hayes and Jasmine are bestfriends and Hayes likes her but she likes you man, so calm down. Okay?", He said and I just nodded.

I put on some music and before fell asleep i heard 'We are now leaving California and heading to Texas'.

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