Chapter 29

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Jasmine POV

I've been at the park for about two hours, just sitting and watching the leaves fall. I heard a honking noise and I turned around to see Hayes getting out of my sister's car. He started coming towards me, so you know what I did, I stood up and started running away from him. I'm very fast but he's a little bit faster. Before I can run out of the park, he tackles me onto the ground.

"Get off me" I yelled trying to get out of his grip.


"Please Hayes".

"I'll let go of you, if you answer my question," He said and I nodded.

"Why do you always run away from your problems when people are trying to help?"

I sighed and started talking "My life isn't perfect Hayes. Knowing you don't have a dad right by your side. Since he died or "gone missing" on my birthday, it's been hell for me. Every time its my birthday I just disappear until my birthday is over. Life just doesn't want me to be happy. I wish I can have a perfect family, with a mom, dad, and sister. I rarely see my mom. Were not even close anymore and all that my sister pays attention to is on Cameron or Nash. I don't know I'm losing everyone I love or I already have lost," I said with glossy eyes. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore. I started pouring my eyes out.

Hayes pulls me into a hug and rub circles in my back while I sob in his chest "It's going to be okay, its going to be okay," Hayes whispered into my ears.

"I wanna show you something" I said wiping my tears off my cheeks. He didn't say anything but just nodded. I grabbed his hand and started walking out of the park.


We finally reached our destination, which took about 30 minutes to come here but its worth.

"So, um Hayes what do you think?" I asked nervously.

"Its-s beautiful. The lake and the tree house," He said flashing me a wink and I blushed.

"This is my secret place. I built this tree house with Leah, Bella and Gabby when we were in 2nd grade and we had to come here for camp, so we decided to build it here. No one really comes here, only me and the girls" I said sitting on ground and looking up at the sky. Hayes walked over to me and sat down beside me.

"It's really beautiful" He said and I blushed.


We sat in silence just looking at the sky and feeling the cool breeze against our faces.



"Thank you" I said softly. He smiled at me. God his smile is everything.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said and I nodded.

"So, um I want to show Aaron that Kim loves me" He said and I frowned.

"Mhmm.." I trailed off trying to sound like I care. But guess what I don't.

"So how do I do that," He asked.

"I don't know Hayes. I don't know how love feels cause I never felt it," I said getting up.

"Oh and Hayes don't ask me about your love for Kim, because I don't recall you giving her that hickey on her neck" I said and with that I was gone.

Back to depressed mood. Woot!

Hayes you idiot. I'm so done with you.
I need a ship name for Jasmine and Hayes.

Omg did you guys see Hayes on Dancing with the stars?

He did so good and looked so hawt omh!

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