Chapter 28

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Jasmine POV

I woke up to people jumping on my bed. I rubbed my eys and looked up to see Luke, Leah, Bella, and Gabby.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They yelled in unison.

"Ugh what time is it" I said laying back down and closing my eyes.

"11:11" Bella yelled running out the room with gabby behind her.

"Its your birthday, get up now" Luke screamed in my ear.

"Dude leave, so I can change" I growled and he winked.

"Fiesty me likey" He said making his way out the room and shutting the door.

"Can you help me pick out a outfit, bae?" I askes making a pouty face. She giggles and nodded walking to my suit case.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a quick but nice shower than got out. I wrapped my towel around my body and brushes my teeth. I combed my wet hair out of knots and walked back into the room. I saw an outfit on my bed and Leah on the couch.

"Thank you beloveth" I said playfully and she laughd.

"Your welcome and stop being so gay" She said and stick my tongue out at her before she left the room.

I put on my on a black tank top with a black and white sweater with red and black scarf with black jeans. I put on black boots. (Picture)

I grab my bag and head down the to the Starbucks without telling anyone. I just want some alone time. When I reach the bottom floor, I run towards the entrance of the hotel and went down the block to the Starbucks. I order a Caramel Frappé and sat down. I put on my headphones and glasses on. I put the song "Bittersweet" by Melanie Martinez and took out my Paper towns book.

I tapped my foot and kept reading until I felt someone pull my book down on the table. I groan and looked up to see Hayes. I took out headphones and just stared at him.

"Yes Hayes?" I asked in a rude/annoyed tone.

"Everyone is looking for you, where have you been?" He yelled which made me flinch.

"God dammit Hayes I've been gone for 30 minutes and I just want some piece and quiet, but you have to ruin my day like always. Especially on my birthday!" I yelld back. He looked taken back. Good.

"Well I'm sorry, continue on what your doing then" He mumbled while getting up and walking away. I sighed and put my headphones and my book away. I don't feel like putting my contacts on so I just leave my glasses on.

Hayes POV

I may sound clingy but I really do like Kim. She's hot like holy shit, but I can't trust her like I trust Jasmine. Only reason I can't trust Kim is bcause she lies to me all the time. One time I asked her what was that bruise on her neck, she said something fell on her neck but I know it's a hickey. I know I'm a jerk but I'm not stupid.

I walked back to the hotel and see everyone had a worried look on there face. She's only been gone for 45 minutes.

"Guys stop worrying about her, she's fine and she only been gone for about 30 minutes. I'm sure she'll be fine" I said trying to sound convincing. Everyone nodded expect Jessica. She just stared at me. I feel guilt washing all over my face. She stood up and walked over to me.

"I know your lying Hayes and I know you saw Jasmine" She whispered.
I nodded trying to not make eye contact.

"Tell me what happened" She said dragging me out the room.


Jessica POV

It's been about two hours now since Jasmine hasn't come back. I know she's just walking around the city, trying to calm down and just think about life. She does every year on her birthday and she doesn't come back for hours. She started doing that the year our father died or "gone missing" at the age 10. She's been depressed since then.

I sigh and get up and go to my hotel room and grabbed my car keys. I go back down the stairs and pull Hayes with me.

"What are you doing?" Hayes asked.

"Were going to find Jasmine".


Next update soon. School in three days and tonight I have to with my parents to a ptm meeting at my school. Yay.


QOTP: What's your favorite color?

Answer: Blue, White, and Black.

Until I Met You|| Magcon Fan fiction [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora