Chapter 17

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Jasmine POV

I saw Nick kissing Lexi, Hayes girlfriend. I just stared there, frozen.

"Nick-k", I stuttered but with anger at the edge of tongue.

They pulled away and Nick looked up at me and Lexi smirked. I want to smack that smirk right of that cake face of a bitch.

"Why-y?", I yelled on the verge of crying.

"I know you like Matthew, its obvious and knew this relationship wasn't going to work. I only used you for fame anyways. You think a hot guy like me wanna date an ugly nerd like you", he spat while laughing.

"Your a nobody and no one will ever love you", he whispered in my ear.


He is right. No one love me, I'm useless, I'm weird, I'm ugly, I'm pathetic. No one wants me on this earth. So, what's the point of life. By now I was in my room crying in the corner. All I feel is pain in my heart. His word just repeated in my mind Ugly, Nerd, and No one will ever love you, which burned my heart even more. I need something to make this pain go away, something that always help the hatred and hurt in my heart go away. I looked in my suitcase and found my razor.

"Your the only think that makes the pain go away", I said whiling wiping a tear off my face. I always cut my thighs, even though I'm 4 months clean. I just need this to help the pain.

1- For being alive.

2- For being useless.

3- For being ugly.

4- For being a nerd.

5- For being pathetic

6- No one will ever love me.

I wiped the blood off of the cuts and put my razor away. After I decided not to eat breakfast because I'm too fat anyways...

Hayes POV

"Dude Lexi just cheated on you with Nick and you don't care? You're going to stay with that whore?", Matt asked while laughing.

"No, but I love her", I admitted. I do love her and I know it was a mistake and anyways that doesn't sound like her. She would never cheat on me.

"Whatever dude, if she did love she would of never cheated o you", Matt chuckled while walking out of the room.

He's right, I wonder if Jasmine is okay. I bet not, she loved Nick and it was kind of obvious that she has a crush on Matt, because always would like Nick and would never like me anyways..

Jessica POV


"Okay, guys Magcon is going to be at 6:00 p.m today so we'll all meet here at 5:30, okay?" Bart said and everyone nodded.

I wonder why Jasmine isn't here. Everyone left to go back to the hotel and I walked over Nick.

"Nick have you seen Jasmine", I asked but he didn't responded.


"I don't know where that slut is", He laughed and I did something I would of never done. I punched him in the balls.

"Stay away from my sister you little bitch", I spat walking away. What a hoe.


Hey guys I'm so sorry again for not updating. I'm going to be update some chapters tonight, so stay tuned. Love you all.

A/N- What happened to that sweet boy Nick? Maybe fame got to him or maybe that girl did.

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