Chapter 7

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Jasmine POV


After the movie was over, we started walking to "our spot in the park and lay down. I was laying down next to Mike and Gabby, then Bella, Aj, Maddy, and Jacob. They were all talking but I was just thinking about today. It was amazing to have a day with my friends and I love them so much. Mike and Maddy have been flirty the whole, which made me a jealous but I just ignored them for the whole day. I looked around and saw Mike and Maddy making out. My body filled up with, jealousy, anger, and hatred. I stood up and just stared at them no expression on my face.

"WOW YOU'VE MOVED ON, REALLY FAST!" I yelled and now I was bursting into tears. I just started running. I could hear him calling my name but I just kept on running until I reach a bench. I wiped my tears and sat down thinking how this went from great to worst in a flash of a second. It's my last day and he's sucking on a girl face. Like what the actual fuck.

"Are you mad at me?" Mike asked and I could tell he had sorry in his eyes.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK, LIKE FOR REAL, WHY, JUST WHY?" I said and I got up and walked back to where everyone was, leaving him to think.

Jessica POV

We were all laying down on the beach, watching to sky, and hearing the peace water dance. Connor and I decided to start walking around on the beach.

"So, I'm going to miss you so much, you know that, right?" I said and he nodded, while smiling. He stopped me and I looked up to him into his eyes. I'm really short like, I'm 5'5, but I look like I'm 18 years old.

"Babe, ugh where do I start. We've known cheat other since we were 5 years old. I remember when you were mad that your parents were going to have a baby, so you didn't talk to them until the baby, was born. You and your dad use to get into a lot of fights, but at the end you both would end up saying I love you, to each other, just like us. On your 10th birthday when we went to the fair and you threw up all over you mom, and she was so mad at you, it was so funny. When you were 14 and you had your first break up and I helped you out and I would always comfort you. Tell you everyday how beautiful and amazing you are, I kept falling for you everyday. When I look into you eyes, I knew you were mine. When you were 15 years old I finally had the dick to ask you out and I don't regret it", he continue and you can know by now that I am crying.

"Babe even though were 2,000 miles away and if we break up I will never stop loving you, because your my sunshine, star, my happiness, and your MINE", he blurted out and he was crying. I hugged him.

"I love you babe", I mumbled into his strong, tight grip.

"I love you more and always" He said and with that he kissed me.




*Jasmine POV


"Guys its 8:55 and we need to be at the front of the park to meet me and Maddabish mom ",I smiled, and everyone was laughing expect Maddy and Mike.

We started running to the front of the park and when we got there, we saw Maddy and my mom's car, and we got in. We all sat Maddy's mom car and Jessica and her friends went with my mom. We shard some memories and some laughs. We arrived at the airport and it was 9:31, so we have about 30 minutes to say our goodbye's.


*All people who are going to North Carolina, flight 31 is now ready to board*, the lady said through the microphone.

I sighed and can see Jude saying goodbye to his friend. I saw Jessica crying with Connor, Julie, and Hannah in there hug. This is last time I will see my squad for a while and my two favorite bestfriends...

We were all in a group hug for minute and then let go.

"I'm going to miss you all, we've been through a lot and we've known each other since middle, and other longer, but I'm glad I can be here with you guys and has such wonderful friends more life family, so YASS BISHES, POTASSIUM?", I yelled and they laughed and said it with me.

We let go of the hug and I started walking to my mom, sister, and brother. I turned back around saw them crying. Gabby and Isabella ran over to me.

" Please never forget us okay and please always text us and facetime us", bella said and I smiled.

"Text us when you land, potassium?", Gabby said and I smiled.

I gave them a hug.

I love you Jazzy", they said and I replied back I love you too. And with that I headed to the plane.

I was sitting next to Jessica, Jude was sitting next to her, and mom was sitting across. I was sitting by the window. I'm going to miss Texas...

*Please turn off all your electronics and buckle your seats belts, we are now leaving* the lady said and we were now leaving Texas.

Goodbye, Texas.

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