Chapter 18

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Jessica POV

I kept knocking on Jasmine hotel room door but no one answered. I know she in there. Ugh that JERK!. Jessica calm down, Jessica calm down. I decided to go ask Nash for a key to her room. I hope she's not depressed. Ugh I can't go through that again I can't lose her again, not now nor ever...

I knocked on Nash door and it relieved him in boxers, I tried to look away but it was so hard not to stare.

"Um enjoying the view", he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have a key for Jasmine hotel room, she won't open it", I asked.

"Yeah um hold on" he said and I nodded.

He bended down and looked for the key in his bag. Oh lord look at that butt. JASMINE STOP. I was interrupted by thought by Nash.

"Um here you go", he said nervously. I thank him and ran to Jasmine hotel room.

Jasmine POV

Some kept shaking me and then I realized it was Jessica. My pillow was soaking wet from my tear.

"Jasmine what happened?", she asked and I can tell she was mad. You can hear it in her voice. I didn't respond and I didn't want to.

"Jasmine please tell me"

"Nick cheated on me he kept call me all these names and you know which burns the most, he said no one will ever love me. Which I realized he is right. I'm just an accident anyways. Everyone loves you Jessica. I know life wasn't perfect in Texas but I don't want to be here anymore, sister. I want to go home", I said while crying like an idiot.

"Hey, hey everything is going to be fine. Don't listen to that worthless trash, okay. He's wrong. Your special to me and I'll always be here for you", she said while pulling me into a hug.

*2 hours later*

"Hey do you wanna do something fun?" she asked and I nodded.

"How about we get all of Nick clothes and throw it out the window into the parking lot"

"Okay what are we waiting for"

We ran to Nick suit case and dragged it to the window. We threw his Jeans, Shorts, Pants, Underwear, and THONG out the window.

"Why the fuck does he have a thong in his suitcase?" she said while laughing. I shrugged.

I started bursting out of laughing when I saw a condom.

"Hey I have a good prank that we should do," I said and she nodded for me to continue.

"We should go to Lexi's room and put condoms and thongs all over her bed with white lotion on it", I smirked and she nodded while laughing.

Who's the slut now?

Lexi POV

I never liked Nick, he's ugly. I only kissed him so he can break up with Jasmine. The perfect couple Youtubers that everyone love. Now everyone can love me and Hayes and ship us. I walked into Hayes changing, opps. I walked over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Hey babe", I said whiling kissing him, but he didn't kiss back. He pushed me away from him.

"What's wrong babe?" I smirked.

"You cheated on me with Nick!!", he yelled and I just laughed.

"Hayes babe I don't like him, I only kissed him so I can break there relationship", I yelled back and hayes look at my with disgust. He walked over to me and whispered "Get out of my room or I'll make you".

I ran out and started crying.

This is Jasmine's fault and I'm going to ruin her life no matter what.



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