THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins

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So as I said dedications will be made to commenters, begins rom all the way from the first early bird chapters. :D

So on with this particular chapter, maybe or maybe not longer then most or approx. the same, depends on mood and wording, and of course.. adventure. Haha.


We were on our toes. We were told by one of the patrol guards that Artemis slipped away quickly heading to get this mission done. The guards that usually are stationed at the police station, reported back that she slipped in a few minutes ago. Then we waited. The silence, for sure was killing anybody, for we knew what we were up against, that tiny stubborn fear wouldn't go away.

I admit we improved a lot with the drive of revenge but even with that, Hera was somehow one step closer, making us look like desperate and lost people. Apollo began to thrum his thigh, Athena was consistent and putting her hand in her hair, Hep kept itching his nose every minute and I? I was looking everywhere but the screen of the locator. Guaranteed we only knew her last location was the police station and my eyes wandered past it.

I kept imagining things, things of Artemis being killed on purpose. Or of her trying to sneak more detail on the location then getting caught. The next plan that Hera and the doctor and apparently now Zeus would set up. Soon it was dwindling to late night, a couple of hours after she descended in her risky mission. A question that lingered everywhere, Where is she?

Zeus was going to get up soon and we couldn't have her plop out of nowhere and make Zeus suspicious. And he wasn't stupid; he would catch on pretty quickly. He could also force Artemis to reveal what her exact purpose was and why she came out of nowhere.

"Oh, gods. Where is she? Where is she?" muttered Athena quietly, but we heard it. It was the first words to break the deafening silence. Hep pulled her to his side and whispered something to her. Athena's face brightened just a bit but worry was the dominant expression.

I looked past them and felt guilty as if I was peeking in something private. I skimmed the small crowd that was hushed in silence, landing on next to me. Apollo, who had a blank face on. It was completely scary and he looked haunted. As if he knew someone had their eyes on him, he looked up. He saw me.

I looked away quickly, hoping he wouldn't see the fight I was having with my cheeks. After all, he was standing right next to me.

"Don't look away," whispered Apollo, as I faced him, eyes widened.

"I wasn't" I say explaining with my hands in surrender, "I mean- I didn't mean to-" Apollo grabbed both my hands and leaned in to peck my lips, and I could already feel the tsunami in my stomach. I immediately reddened and he gave me a smile, his face transforming to the boy I deeply cared for.

"It's okay, Kate," he said leaning in to whisper in my ear, "I forgive you." I could only give him a shy grin in return, in which he chuckled back. Seconds later, after our exchange I could almost feel a shift in him, sweet to stony. His blank face replaced the one I liked but he still gripped my hands, even if it was a bit harder.

We were noted that dawn would be in exactly ten minutes and I knew most of us still stayed huddled in the group. But I didn't really get angry as some left to take on sleep before the King wakes up. I, for one was one of the people who stayed despite the close timing.

"Come on, Come on, Artemis," muttered Apollo under his breath. I breathed faster, hoping that Artemis would be quick and get here safely, but I also hoped that even the risk, that she found the right location. There was extreme hope in this, and I knew in my gut that something good will happen. Then a dread like feeling came to me, and I knew something bad was going to come true as well.

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