Life Goes On

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I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I refused to turned around in fear that I'd be in even more danger. It's dark and there are weird and psyco people.

"What are you doing out here?" The familiar voice asked. I turned around and saw Brian walking towards me with his hands in his lleather jacket. He shot me a smile. 

I let out a sigh, "Nothing. Just came to get some fresh air... What about you? Why aren't you with Michelle? It's Valentines Day." 

He simply laughed, "She got mad. I don't even know why but oh well. I came for a walk and I thought I saw you so I decided, might as well keep you some company." I nodded, then turned my attention back to the ocean. "How'd the date go?" I tilted my head towards him and gave him a look. "I'm assuming not so good." 

"It was going pretty good. We ate pizza. We drank beer. We laughed. We even danced. It was nice. I really liked it." I said, leaning up against the railing of the pier. 

He rested his weight on one foot and crossed his arms over his chest, "Then what's the problem? Why aren't you there right now?" 

I bit my bottom lip, giving the ocean one last look. I'd never been this open with Brian. Actually, I'd never been open with Brian at all. I didn't know how to tell him. "Well... He kissed me." 

"Isabella, that's great! Why do you seem so upset about it?" He asked. 

"Because he said he didn't mean to kiss me. He made it sound like he didn't want to kiss me. And... I don't know Brian. This whole night I felt something for him. It's weird because he's always been a co-worker, or my friend. Never anything more. I've never felt anything for Austin. And tonight, I did feel something. Before you knew it, I got my stuff and came here." I kicked the floor and lowered my head. I didn't know what to do, or think. 

"Well, if you were to ask me... I'd think he did mean to kiss you." I stood quiet, totally ignoring that absurd thought. "Guys are assholes. We say things we don't mean. We do things without thinking. We're not perfect. We may think we are but we're not. I have a feeling he does like you. He did ask you out." 

"On a pizza date." I informed him. "A pizza and beer date, Brian. What kind of guy does that?!"

He chuckled, "A guy that fucking likes you. He didn't ask you out on Christmas. He didn't ask you out on New Years, or Easter. He asked you out on Valentines Day because it's a romantic day." 

"Pizza and beer isn't romantic dude." I said, giving him some attitude. I'm surprised how people put up with me and my attitude. I'm even annoyed of it.

As usual, he brushed it off, "Neither is watching The Village and eating a fucking meal from McDonalds. But like I said, we're guys. We're fucking stupid. We don't think a lot of the time. To me, the whole idea of McDonalds and a movie was cute... To Austin the whole idea of pizza and beer was cute. You act like one of the guys; not that it's a problem. But maybe he assumed that you'd be fine with it." 

He was right... "What makes you think he likes me? I'm nothing compared to the chicks he's dated." 

"Exactly." I shot my head up, confused. What did he mean by, exactly? 


"You're nothing like the girls he's dated. He's a rockstar right?" Brian asked, sitting up on the railing. I nodded. "Alright. Think about it. What do rock stars have to deal with?" I thought about it for a second but nothing came to mind except fame. "Drugs. Money. Alcohol. Music. Distance. And women." 

"What's your point Haner?" I asked, feeling stuck in the fog. 

"Don't you think all that time away from the girls he was with made them do something stupid?" 

"Like what?" 

"Like what Michelle did to me." It had finally came to me. The girls Austin was with at some point cheated on him. I remember him telling me about Gielle and another female. "You know the life of being on tour. You know it because you were born into it; your uncle and then Matt. But here's the thing about you. You make an effort to be with someone. As much as you like denying it, it's true. And as much as we mess around, I know if you were to figure your feelings out about Austin, you'd stop doing this with me. And it'll be fine, because you'll be happy." 

"Stop being so right. Plus, I don't even know if he likes me." I threw my head in my hands and rubbed my temples. This is so stressful. This could've al been avoided.

"He probably does. Just give him some space. If he likes you and wants to make things right, he'll come back to you. If not, then whatever. Life goes on. Now, c'mon. It's getting late and I'm pretty sure you're not down to walk back to your house." He hopped off the railing and prepared his arm, "Shall we?" 

I snaked my arm around his and walked, "Thank you Brian. I owe you." 

"Don't mention it, Squirt." 

Austin's POV

"You did what?!" Alan shouted after I told him what I did with Isabella the other night. "Are you stupid dude? You don't say that to a girl! Even worse, you don't let her leave like that! You can make her feel like a load of shit. That's probably what you made her feel like!" 

I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. I knew I had hurt Bella. I didn't mean to. To be honest, I wasn't thinking clearly. I did want to kiss her. But I panicked after because it didn't look like she wanted me to kiss her. I feel like it's messed with our friendship. She didn't call or text me after the incident. 

"I panicked! I swear to God, Alan, I didn't expect for things to go like that. I had only invited her for pizza and beer. But when we were watching the movies and when I was holding her close, it felt so right... Well... Felt to right to me. Probably not to her." I sulked on the couch. "I miss her." 

"You're the fucking idiot that let her leave! You needed to grow balls and stop her!" He said, leaning forward. 

"She doesn't see me that way though. I can tell. I don't want to get hurt again. It's a very disgusting feeling. I don't like it." 

"No one does. Why do you need to jump to conclusions? Don't you think maybe she just thought you moved a little too fast? I  mean kissing on the first date?" He scoffed, "Oh wait that's right, it wasn't even a date." He arcastically spat.

I rolled my eyes, "It wasn't! I swear!" 

"Inviting a girl over on Valentines Day to have beer and pizza and watch romantic and comical movies IS a date." He made clear, raising his voice a bit. "You really know how to mess things up." 

I shook my head and let it fall into my hands. "I know. I'm a moron. I want to text her but I feel like I'd bug her. She probably hates me actually... God, I'm fucking... stupid." 

"Just wait until the Aspire and Create photo shoot. Isn't it like in two weeks?" He asked, playing with a white ball of fur. I wondered where he got that from. 

I cocked an eyebrow up, "Yeah it is... Since when did you get a cat?" 

He laughed and picked it up, "Oh it's Maddie's little sister's. It's name is Puppy. Don't ask." 

"You knew I was coming and you still brought a cat? I have bad allergies dude!" I said, standing up, getting ready to leave. Life goes on... Which means I have to go on with my life. 

"If it bothers you so much my brotha' the doors over there." He pointed and stood up, following me out. "Just give her space. When she's ready, she'll come to you." 

"And if she doesn't?" I asked opening the door. 

He shrugged, "Then it wasn't meant to be. Life goes on. When you see her at the shoot, try to talk to her." 

I sighed, "Fine. See you at practice, man." I left his house and got in my car to go home. 

I knew what I had to do. Now, it was all up to fate. 

With Arms Wide Open (An Austin Carlile Love Story ft. Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now