Girl I Know

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Super short, I apologize! Don't hit me lol.  


Enjoy! Oh and I expected 5 likes on the last chapter and I think I got like 9 or 10. I was amazed balls. You guys are amazing! Thank you SOOOO MUCH<3

I think having sex with Austin was one of the best things that could've ever happened to me. For some reason, I felt like a new person. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him and I didn't mind. Nothing could make me. I was looking forward to our date in a few days. I actually wanted to be with him, as cheesy as it sounds, I think I've found the one. 

As I sat on the couch at my apartment, I recieved a text from Brian. I honestly forgot about him and everything we had. Although we had nothing, fooling around did mean something to me. It was a way of releasing the pressure building inside of me. 

Can i go pick up zackys samples from your house right now or are you busy? 

yeah sure. 

I was starting to help Zacky with VU. He asked me to be a part of the team since I knew so much about selling clothes and modeling. More than happy, I accepted. Anything for my brother's best friend. 

I waited close to thirty minutes until I heard a knock at my door. I dragged my body off the couch, looked through the peephole and saw Brian with a beanie over his head, covering his long and somewhat messy hair. 

"Come on in." I said, moving out of the way and letting him in. 

He took his jacket off and threw it on the couch. "Thanks. It's hot in here." 

I giggled, "Nice one Brian. The samples are in that box right there." I pointed to the table, avoiding any sexual comment. I'd ususally answer to that, better take off all your clothes and something would come out of that. But something was stopping me and I wasn't sure what. 

"Alright. He said there should be two boxes. One with shirts, the other with beanies and a one piece. I'm not sure what he meant, but don't kill the messenger." 

I walked over to the box, bent over and opened it up. "These are the shirts and this box right he..." I felt something press again myshorts, making me nervous. I knew it was Brian, obviously, "Here's the uh... The uh...One... P-p-p-piece." I can't deny, Brian's touch made me lose my entire vocabulary.

"What do you say," He said against my ear, "We take this into the bedroom and finish what he started last time?" 

I bit my bottom lip, "I don't think I can make it to the bedroom." I gasped. 

He spun me around and began to kiss me, oh so pationately. His tongue forced it's way into my mouth while he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

"I can always carry you there." He said against my lips. 

"Then you better hurry before I have my way with you right here." 

He smirked then carried me into my room. I knew I was making a mistake and I'd feel like a horrible person, but it's Brian and just his touch makes me melt. I was in deep.


 "I'll buy you new bed sheets, sorry." He apologized, after we had both finished and were simply relaxing. 

I took a deep breath, letting my body relax from all the exhausting work. "It's okay... That was great." 

"Fuck yeah. I think one of the best, if you ask me." He pulled the covers over us, getting comfortable under, "So, did I hurt you this time?" 

I chuckled and turned to him. "No. You did good this time." 

"Great... You know," He started as he bit on his nail, "Times like these, I like to think of you as the girl I know." 

My jaw dropped. He's referring to me as a whore!? "Excuse me?" I smacked his stomach.

"I mean, when I'm looking to fuck someone... I come to you and you lay down the law. I can't trust you because I know if I do in this situation, I'll end up falling for you. Hence, I can't trust you but that's not even close to why I called you." 

I rolled my eyes, "Let me guess, you're waste deep inside? The lust and burning desire?" 

"When it comes to you, lust is all I need, baby." He pinched my cheek and smiled, "So have you talked to Austin?" 

My eyes widened as I remembered I was supposed to call him to see if we were still on for a movie night. "Shit!" I shouted, running naked out of my bedroom and into the living room, abandoning Brian. 

Sure enough, I had missed calls and texts. Austin's going to be pissed... 

Austin's POV 

We've all been more than eager to sin

And it feels alright, 'til we pay the price

Now you choose either naughty or nice

'Cause she's here for you

It's all yours tonight

You won't believe the stories I've been told

About a girl I know 

The guys and I listened to Avenged Sevenfold's Diamonds In The Rough album as I attempted to reach Isabella to see if we were still going to have a movie night. 

She wouldn't reply to my texts or answer my calls, so I assumed she was busy. But it did bum me out a whole lot... I know we're not dating, but the least she can do it call. 

"This is golden stuff man." Aaron said, bobbing his head. "This is that girl's brother singing right?" 

I nodded, "Isabella and yeah. I didn't know the band was this good. I actually found out yesterday that my friend Dan is their body guard. It's such a small world." 

"Breaks over!" Phil announced as he walked into my house, "C'mon we got practicing to do. We got a tour ahead of us and these kids are counting on it." 

"But I got a date tonight." I said, shutting off my laptop. "I can't have practice." 

"What time are you leaving?" 

I shrugged, "I'm not sure. She hasn't called me or anything..." I sulked in my own pity. 

"Well until she does, we're practicing, now come on!" 

I took one last look at my phone and prayed maybe she'd respond. But I was only fooling myself.

With Arms Wide Open (An Austin Carlile Love Story ft. Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now