Hit The Ground

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Surprise! I probably won't update for another seventeen days:( 

I'm almost done with HIGH SCHOOL WOOO!! October 18 is my last day!:DD 

Thank you ALL for your votes and comments. BEST readers, EVER<3 


QUICK EXPLANATION: Since in my OTHER story, Matt's baby has his actual name, and Jimmy is alive in this story, I've decided to alter a few things;) 

Lol shoulda came babe. two more days and Im yours again. I miss you and the babe

"Not fair." I moaned, slouching on Matt's couch. I swung my hand onto the cushion beside me, groaning.

It felt like months since Austin had left for tour, but it was really only four days. I was looking forward to seeing him again and the days were taking forever to arrive. The tour would  make a five day stop in California for shows in SoCal and in NorCal. I was extremely eager to spend those five days with him since he eventually convinced me to travel some cities of good ol' California with him.

My brother was quick to mock the noises I had previously made, "Not fair, ugh. I miss my Austin. My Austin is the best.

"Shut up. Don't you have music to make? Or a life to live? Go away from me. My baby and I do not like you." I spat, launching a pillow in his direction. 

Ever since my brother took a visit down Austin's house, he seemed to grow so much more hate for him, which was so unlike Matt. Everyone knew Matt as the guy who learned to accept people-- Good or bad. This time, things were different. He wasn't even giving Austin a chance. 

"A. I did make music yesterday. Today is an off day. B. I am living my life in my house, so the question is, don't you have a life to live? And C. Your baby is going to love me. I'm going to be his or her favorite uncle. He or she is going to be like super tight with Charles when he comes into this world. Two peas in a pod. Charles and Mini-Matt or Mattea together, the best cousins in the entire universe who will be head banging their way into people's hearts." 

I tilted my head and squinted my eyes. Was this dude serious? "Matt or Mattea? What kind of name is Mattea? And what makes you think that I'm naming my child after you?! Are you insane? If anyone's name is getting carried on, it's Austin's. But I don't like Jr's or names carried on."  

He dropped his phone on his stomach before adjusting himself on the love seat, "I've sung it before, I'm not insane. I'm just saying. I mean Matthew Carlile or Matthew Haner is a beautiful name. Or Mattea Carlile or Hane-" 

"Shut up!" I hushed him, "Valary doesn't know about the whole Brian thing..." 

Austin, Matt and I made it a deal to keep the whole pregnancy-father dilema a secret until we knew the results and even if we did know them, Matt couldn't know just yet.

He stretched his lip in regret, "Sorry... But doesn't it sound good with both names?"

"No! Austin and I decided on Delaney Eva for a girl and for a boy Nathan Issac. Your input isn't needed for this." 

"Fine..." He sighed. He pushed himself off the seat and took the spot beside me,  "So.. Did you find out who's baby it is?" 

"No." I whispered, playing with my blouse. Of course I knew the results, but telling Matt would only tick him off. In a strange way, I knew he wanted the baby to be Brian's-- It was more than obvious. If it was up to me, the baby's would be Austin's and I only hoped when the day came that I told him who the baby's father is, he'd be equally as supportive. 

Matt hung his head,  "Can't you call the clinic? I know they'd like, tell you. I mean unless you know and you're keeping it a secret." 

My heart began to beat extremely fast, almost making it obvious that I was hiding the results. "No" I sat up, "I'll call tomorrow or something, but for now let's just focus on how we're going to tell mom and dad."  

"We're? Hold on, Isabella," Matt stood up and found comfort in the love seat he was previously sitting in, "There's no we're in you're. I already broke the news to mom and dad about Val and I. This is your time to shine." 

I smacked my lips together, upset at the fact that my own brother was letting me hit the ground alone. "Matty, c'mon! I've done shit for you-" 

"That didn't involve getting pregnant before getting married. I'm just going to warn you, when you tell dad, he's going to be more pissed off than I was..." 

"Why? It's not like they're against children." 

He shook his head, "They're against premarital sex that result in having a child with a man who tours most of the time. That asshole." 

"There you go again." I sighed, fed up with his comments towards Austin. 

"What, now? Because I called him an asshole? He knocked you up, Bella, I have every right to be mad at him." 

"You're not even my dad, you shouldn't be mad. When it's dad getting pissed off, then okay, let him make those comments, but as a brother, give me some support." 

"What the fuck was I doing then when I went to talk to him?"

"You almost beat the shit out of him. If it wasn't for his calm way of dealing with things, poor guy would be in a cast."

Matt's fists clenched with anger, "He deserves to be in one. You know what he told me, Bells? And I seriously didn't believe him until I actually thought about it." 

"What?" I asked, allowing him to continue on. 

"He said you fear me, that's why you didn't come to me first. I thought about it and it's true. You went to Jalis first, then to Valary. I was the last to find out. That shows you fear me..." 

Austin was right-- I did fear Matt. Although I'd constantly look up to him, there'd always be a part of me that would be scared shit-less of him. But then again, who wouldn't? Matt has this deep, husk, I ain't fuckin' around witchu' voice and he can beat the crap out of someone if they gave him reason to. When it came to recieving opinions, Matt's meant a lot and the last thing I wanted was to be judged by him.

It felt like I was still a fifteen year old girl around him, and it sucked that I felt that way. Being twenty-four and feeling like you're looked down upon by your own brother is never a good feeling. 

"Isabella." Matt called out, "Are you scared of me? What have I done? I'm your brother, babe. You shouldn't be scared." 

"You just- I don't like the way you treat me, sometimes."

"How? Like a little sister? You are-" 

"Like I'm fifteen years old with a twenty year old boyfriend. I know what I'm doing and I know what I did, Matt. The last thing I need is for you to fight my battles and fix my broken walls. I can do that on my own." I spat. The bickering was sending my body into a shock-- I suddenly felt weak.

"When it involves Brian's marriage -The one you ruined- it involves me." 

Those words stabbed me and made me feel like a load of shit. The one you ruined. 

A ball formed at my throat as my eyes began to flood with tears, "The one I ruined? Wow, thanks." 

He hung his head, "No, fuck. That's not what I mea-"

"For your information, I didn't ruin jack shit. Brian was the one fucking- Fucked me and got me pregnant. He was the one who fucking came over and fucking ruined my life and relationship with Austin." 

Matt's jaw dropped to the floor, his eyebrows furrowing and his face turning a pale color, "Brian's the dad?!" 

Fuck. I had just then realized what I had said. My vision became blurry and my ears began to feel odd. I tried to speak but all that came out was blabbering.

The last thing I remember was Matt shouting my name. 

The last thing I saw was total darkness. 

With Arms Wide Open (An Austin Carlile Love Story ft. Avenged Sevenfold)Where stories live. Discover now