A Professional At Fucking Things Up

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The last update until I'm not sure lol

You'd expect me to feel very heart broken by Brian's rude actions... I was. But not as much as I thought I would be. I still knew there was a good possibility that it could be Austin's. 

For the past few days, I was praying it would be his. I just wasn't sure how he'd take the news and I wasn't sure how to explain to him how it might be his or Brian's. 

After talking it through with Jalissa, I decided to come clean with him about it. This was a problem that wasn't going to go away for another seven to eight months. And no matter what the circumstances were, Austin had to know about it. 

I didn't want to plan anything special for the announcement. I just needed to be straight up with him. I wasn't about to plan a dinner and a romantic evening then drop the bomb saying the kid might be his but it might also be Brian's. 

He met me at the peir at exactly seven thirty in the evening. My heart was racing with nervousness and fear that he'd snap at me for doing something so stupid. But once I saw him, my heart relaxed. And once I was in his arms, I didn't feel nervous anymore. 

"You look amazing." Austin said, letting me go and looking up and down at me. "Something is different about you. I can't put my finger on it though." 

Of course you can't, it's inside of me, I thought to myself. "My hair is up. Maybe it's that?" I questioned. 

He shook his head, "No it's something else. Anyways," He was quick to change the subject. "What's up? Sounded pretty urgent that you wanted to meet up." 

"I just wanted to apologize for my brother's behavior the past week... He can be an asshole... Most of the time. But he just does it to defend me. I'm really sorry." 

Austin chuckled, "It's okay... I'd probably react the same way if a dude answered the door if I had a little sister. I'd want to defend her like that too. It's okay. I know your brother is doing it for the best." 

"Yeah, but he just doesn't like competition. My brother has always been the number one boy in my life. So him seeing me go out often with you kind of brings competition to the table." 

He blew on his first and wiped his shoulder, "Challange accepted." He winked. 

That's the one thing I loved about Austin, ever since I had met him. His humor is unique and he knows exactly when to use it. 

"But I'm pretty sure you've won. Hands down."

"Oh really? What makes you say that?" 

I shrugged, slipping my hands into my pocket, "The fact that I'm here with you and not with my brother at dinner. That's what makes me say that." 

"Touche." He said with his infamous smile. I leaned up against the pier railing and took a look out at the beautiful sea, remembering why I was there in the first place. "What's wrong?" He asked, noticing the change of emotion on my face. 

I felt the nerves build up again, and the nausea rise in my throat. I wasn't sure if I was really nauseated or if it was my imagination. But either way, I was scared. 

"Austin... Remember that night at the Warped Kick off party? When we got in a fight?" 

He mocked my movements on the pier, "Yeah. I didn't really enjoy that part of the night. I liked it when we spent time together after, if you know what I mean." 

I nodded, "About that..." He narrowed in his eyebrows, looking all too concerned. "Austin... I'm really scared." 

"Of what, babe?" 

"Of your reaction." I responded, trying to prolong the conversation before mentioning that I was expecting his child... If it is his. 

He giggled, "My reaction? My reaction about what?" 

I turned to him, feeling a ball form in my throat and tears sneak their way out of my tear duct. It was now or never.  "I'm pregnant and I don't know if it's your baby or not." A blank expression is what I got from him. He turned his gaze to the floor not saying anything and it really scared me. "Austin... Can you say something please?" 

"Wh- what do you mean it might not be my baby? Who else were you with?" He studdered, not blinking or even moving a slight muscle. 

"I had sex with my brother's friend a few nights after... But I promise it was completely meaningless."

"Meaningless? You mean to tell me, a few nights after we made love to one another, you fucked one of your brother's friends?!" He raised his voice a little, squinting  his eyes, trying to make sense of everything. 

"Austin, you're not letting me explain." 

"You know what, Isabella? I honestly shouldn't even give you the time or day to explain yourself and why you did that. I know we're not together, but I wish we were. And right now I'm mentally taking a bat and swinging it over my own head because if I would have asked you to be my girlfriend, this whole situation," He waved his arms around, "This 'it might not be mine' perdicament, could have been greatly avoided." 

"It's my fault-"

"God damn right it's your fault. I'm not trying to imply you were a whore, because honestly, I've never thought that low about you like that. But this is serious. This is a child. It's no longer 'I had sex with another dude after we had sex'. It's that plus a baby as a result." He ran his hands down his face, looking ever-so stressed out. 

I felt pretty dirty about myself and if there was a time when I needed Matt to cry on, it was now. "Austin, I'm really sorry."  

He shook his head, and sighed, "Did you walk over here?" I nodded, "I'll take you home." He harshly said. I didn't know if he was sad or happy or even excited about anything. 

"Wait!" I said as he walked away, "Aren't you gonna tell me anything? Aren't you the slightest bit happy?" 

"I need time to think about things Bella... I'm taking you home then I'm going to my home and thinking things over." He walked rather quickly ahead of me, but I let him.

I didn't know exactly how he was feeling. I only had the impression that he was really mad about it. I would be too if I was in his shoes. 

I know exactly how to fuck things up...

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