Repeating Apologies

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This was a day that I'd been dreading for two weeks. I was looking forward to seeing her, but I knew she wasn't looking quite forward to seeing me. I'd understand if she'd walk out of the studio and never speak to me again. 

To be honest, I miss her. I miss talking to her and it's funny because there had been times when we hadn't talked for months, close to a year and suddenly we'd speak and I wouldn't miss her after. But as of that kiss, I can't seem to get her beautiful face out of my mind. It's like seeing something extremely disturbing and not being able to get the image out of your head. But in this case, it's extremely beautiful. I wouldn't feel like such a dick if I hadn't told her I didn't mean to kiss her. I did mean to. I purposely came into contact with her lips because at that moment I felt something for her; something I hadn't felt before. And if it's such a crime to feel that for her, then consider me a criminal.

I sometimes wonder how it would have been if I hadn't come across her at the mall... I know we would still hold the friendship we did before. I wouldn't really care. But something brought us together that day. And I know it's not just a coincidence. I plan on making something out of us if she lets me... 

"Sup Austin." James, our clothing line photographer said, setting up a tripod in front of the studio. "You're looking mighty fresh today." 

I looked down at my black shirt and black pants, "I always wear this! But thanks. You too. I brought you a coffee and donuts." I handed him the bag and cup. "Thought you might want some." 

"Awesome. Thanks man. Oh a few models are already here. They're in make up right now. I told them to wait there until you came." 

"Oh thanks! I'll be right out. Excuse me." I made my way into the building and saw Josh talking to two female models. I knew he was busy with them so I decided to make a quick restroom stop before. 

I tried the handle of the restroom door, but it wouldn't turn. I knocked lightly only for a female voice to respond. "One minute please." 

"Sorry." I replied, leaning up against the wall. I pulled my phone out to check if I had any missed calls. Nope. None. Not even one text... from her. I knew getting my hopes up was a bad thing. The door opened and out came the person I never expected, although I probably should've... Isabella. "Bella." 

"Hi. Excuse me." She pushed past me and walked towards Josh and the rest of the models. 

If this is how she's to act during this whole photo shoot, I shouldn't even bother apologizing. 

"Tilt your head more to the left." James directed as he took a picture of a male model. "That's perfect. Let's move to the next back drop." 

I sat, glued to the bumper of a car, thinking whether or not I should go up to Isabella who was only a few feet away from me. I felt my inner-self getting up and walking towards her, but for some reason, I couldn't find the courage to stand up. 

"What's wrong?" Josh asked, appearing next to me with an iced coffee in his hand. 

I just smiled and innocently shook my head. "Nothing. I'm just tired." I said, covering my eyes with my glasses. 

He chuckled, "You're a really bad liar. Something is so bothering the living shit out of you and as your close friend, I'm willing to hear you out about it." 

"No, really. Nothing is bothering me. I'm tired. I was up all night with Alan, Phil, Tino and our new bassist Aaron working on some tracks. Trust me. It's all good." I lied. I was hoping he wouldn't catch on to it. 

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