Everything Isn't What It Seems

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I know I'm taking forever to update sorry! Lol.

Comment and vote. I love you all so much! 

Austin's POV 

I wasn't even sure how I was supposed to feel about the news I'd just received. I had all these mixed emotions about it.

Happy? Of course I was happy. I wouldn't want anyone in else to have my child besides Isabella... Sad? No shit I'm sad. Her telling me that she had intercourse with someone else days after she shared a night with me, makes me feel like I wasn't satisfying; a major ego plunge for me. Confused? My confusion is at an all time high. It could be my baby, but it could also be someone else's baby. And I don't want it to be someone else's baby. It needs to be my baby. That's not fair. I haven't done anything bad in my teen years to deserve this. I'm a good person... 

I really felt the need to speak to someone, so I quickly called the guys. Unfortunately  Phill, Aaron, and Tino were out with their girlfriends. The only one that was able to speak to me was Alan. 

As my best friend, I didn't have an issue with telling him. However, he tends to joke around in serious situations and I needed to speak to someone, man to man. I could've gone to my dad, but I wanted everything situated between Isabella and I before I took the time and liberty to do so. 

I walked a few blocks down to Alan's house, thinking the whole way about how I was going to tell him. I wanted to be straight up honest, but at the same time, I needed to give it to him in a smooth manner. 

When I finally arrived at the door, I forgot what I was going to say. What a waste of thinking I did.

"What's up? Come for a little sexy time?" He asked, opening the door in only his basketball shorts.

I laughed, shaking my head, removing my hands from my pockets. "I believe you got the wrong impression when I said can I come over, I need to talk to someone." 

"You said come and that's all that matters. You can come in just be careful. Maddie's cat is staying with me." Walking in, I noticed the little cat that was always there. It annoyed me and gave me the worst allergies, but it's so cuddly. "So what's up dude? What did you want to talk about?" 

I sat down on the couch with a grunt, running my hands down my face, stretching the bottom of my eyelids. It was a habit I had when I was nervous. "A lot. Do you remember the Warped party?" 

He laughed, "Oh boy do I? No really, do I? I think I was really hammered. Why what happened?"

I face palmed myself, "Well," I started, acting a bit hesitant, "I got in this little arguement with Isabella. We ended up making up and going to my place." 

"Woah-ho-ho, I'm gonna take a lucky guess and say you hit a homer and now you've got blue balls because she doesn't wanna-" 

"Alan, she's pregnant." I said straight up, attempting to keep the conversation serious, instead of him making a mockery out of it. 

His smile faded quicklly and I knew there wasn't a trace of humor anywhere in sight, "P-Pregnant? She's pregnant?" I nodded, "No. Stop lying dude. I bet she's not pregnant. You're just saying that right? Maybe she peed on the stick wrong? Or it was a defective stick?" 

"I drove her home and she showed me the ultrasound picture. She's gonna be eight weeks pregnant in a few days... I couldn't believe it when I heard it but she is..." 

A smile tugged at his lips, "I'm so happy for you man!" 

"Don't get your hopes up just yet..." I casually said, rubbing my knees. 

"Why?" He questioned with worry upon his face. "Wh- What's wrong?"

I paused for a second, reviewing everything Isabella had told me, "She uh... She's not sure if it's mine." I laughed, finding no humor in it.  

His jaw dropped, "What?" He whispered loudly, "Is she sure?" I nodded again, "What if she's messing with you?" 

I shrugged, "She pretty much told me that she had something else on the side with her brother's friend. She seemed legit about it, so I'm going to assume she's being honest." It was obvious it was taking him a second to take all of this in. I considered him lucky because it was still sinking in my mind. "What do I do?" I asked, rubbing my head, trying to avoid the headache that was slowly creeping up on me. 

"You want my honest opinion, Austin?" Alan asked, using a serious tone that I never heard before. I nodded as he sighed, tilting his head, "If there's a chance it could be your baby, I think you should stick by her side. She had enough guts to be honest with you, you should have enough guts to step up to the plate. There's always that chance and until she's able to get a DNA test, you need to be there. Only God knows how her brother's friend reacted to the new if she told him. I'm not one to judge but, those guys from Avenged are pretty tough. Isabella needs you. If Maddie had done that to me, I would've stood by her side. Think about it. What would your mom have told you?" 

"To stay by her side." I said, imagining what my mom would've told me. "I guess you're right." I admitted. 

"Of course I am. You're gonna be okay. And no matter what, you got me, Tino, Phil and Aaron. Most importantly you got your mom in heaven and dad by your side. We're gonna be here for you, alright?" 

I smiled, "I know. It's just so tough. Like I never expected this to happen. Specially with her. She didn't seem like that to me." 

"Everything isn't what it seems, Austin. And it's all because of this little word called, 'Fate'." 

"Well fate better be on my side because I don't wanna get a heart attack because of all this shit going down..." 

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