Warped Tour: Irvine - His Only Chance

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Long time no talk! Sorry! I've been distracted. But I'm back! Don't hate me<3 

(Oh and I mention the term bastard babies in the story. I don't mean to insult anyone!) 


Isabella's POV 

The days to follow the incident were the most annoying. My mother decided that she wanted to stay over at my place to make sure I wouldn't faint again, while my dad had a manly talk with Matt about being the big brother he was brought into this world to be. Mom and dad also didn't hesitate to tell my older sister Amy, in which Amy flew home from her Summer trip in Italy just to see how I was. 

Granted, I was being taken good care of and I made sure to take the iron pills every morning so I could be energized for the day. My mom made iron-rich meals and had me drink V-8 Vegetable Juice with a full glass of prune juice every single morning. But my mom had to understand that as a pregnant woman, I wasn't about to ignore my cravings-- Chocolate cake and watermelon. I enjoyed them while I could because I knew once the baby arrived, those two guilty pleasures would be sickening to me. 

When the day came that Austin was coming back to California with Warped Tour, I was more than relieved to get away from all the commotion and just hug my boyfriend. I wanted to be in his arms, safe and sound. 

Though, I knew he would ambush me with questions on my condition, I still chose to go in hopes he'd just cherish the moment, instead of ruining it with a hail of questions. And I was evidently correct about being ambushed.

Austin waited for me at the door of the bus as I waltzed my pregnant-self in his direction. The smile on his face grew from quirky to a full on content and radiant smile. He carefully lifted me off the ground, spun me in a circle very slowly then proceeded to place a long awaited kiss on my lips-- One that I missed so damn much. But he didn't waste any time, for moments later, he jumped at me with a series of questions, all that which I had a hard time answering due to the rapid speed he was asking them in. 

Eventually, I did answer them and attempted to convince him that all was well, over a quick lunch. As showtime got closer, we started our excursion to the stage where the rest of the band waited. But even then, Austin didn't stop with the questions and constant worry. 

He placed his hand over my stomach, still keeping an eye on the path before us. "Any cramping? Do you feel good enough to go see me perform? Because you don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to."

I chuckled at his worry, pushing his hand away, as it bothered me while I walked. Ever since I had gotten pregnant, I found that I really didn't like people to touch me, but at the same time, I wanted Austin to hold my hand. I hated being so undecided. "Trust me, I'm fine." 

"Are you sure baby?" Austin asked, rubbing my stomach in a circular motion. "Are you for certain?"

"If I wasn't, would I have came all the way over here just to see you?" He shrugged, removing his hand from my stomach and shoving it into his back pocket like a shy schoolboy.  "I wouldn't have." I informed him. "I drove the range for ya' babe."

"Well, I mean, it isn't that far from the house." He commented on the twenty-six minute distance from my home to the venue. "Maybe this was very convenient for you, babe. Like you knew if you felt sick you could hide it an easily leave."

"Yeah but if I was feeling ill, I wouldn't have bothered even coming. But I'm here, so I'm fine." I smiled, expecting him to drop the worry-trip.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. I just really want what's best for you and the baby. The last thing I want is for you to faint again. Luckily, if you do I'll be here. But either way, I don't want you to faint."

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