The Joys of Being Drunk

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I haven't been updating a lot but I've been catching up on homework & reading "Rules of Attraction". Great book btw(:

Enjoy :D <3

Isabella's POV  

"... And I was like, no fucking way. So I tell the dude, just give me a deal right? Because we used to go there alot..." I stood beside Brian, hearing his story. I was getting tired of hearing him speak. But a huge part of me wanted to jump on him and bang his brains out. 

I felt my head heavy and the room would spin when I'd move quickly. I knew I was drunk. But I didn't mind. Okay I did mind a little. I get really horny when I'm drunk. That's probably why Brian looks so fucking hot right now. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the guys laughing really loud. Just so I didn't seem like a lost cause, I laughed along with them. But boy do I feel stupid laughing at absolutely nothing. 

"Hey, look. Austin came to join us!" My brother said, pointing behind me with his red cup. "C'mere man! Join in on the conversation. We're talking about Gates' new guitar deal." Matt offers Austin more liquor in which I roll my eyes. 

I come to the conclusion that it might not be a good idea to be around these guys for the rest of the night. I lean in towards Johnny since his ear is literally leveled with my lips, "I'm going outside. When you guys are leaving, tell me." He nodds and gives me a thumbs up.

With out excusing myself, I leave the little circle and head for the exit. There's so much smoke in this place, it seriously looks like New York City streets in the mornings.  

As I walk out, I see a few friends, which I wave hi to and chat with for a few seconds. But once we were done talking, I head straight for the door. 

The fresh air was like a new lung handed to me on a silver platter. I tilt my head back, breathing in the air. It might smell like gasoline because of all the buses, but it's better than weed and cigarette smoke. I place my beer bottle on the floor and grab a hold of the railing. I just wanted to relax and not worry about anything. Anything being Austin. No one knows how bad I want to speak with him. Actually, no one knows how bad I want to go back to Valentines Day and relive that kiss, despite the drama between us now. I admit, I did over exaggerate and I shouldn't have. But I let Matt get into my head. I should be able to fend for myself... 

"Want a smoke?" A voice says from behind me. It's none other than Mike Fuentes, from Pierce The Veil. He smiles and joins me at my side, swinging an arm over my shoulders. "How you been beautiful?" 

As he rubs my shoulder, I respond, "I could be better. But things are alright. How about you?" 

"Nervous as ever. I always get nervous when we're about to tour. But, it's my job and I love my job." He takes a long drag of his cigaratte, "Why are you out here, all alone?" 

I shrug, "It was getting packed in there. I needed some fresh air." 

Mike takes a look at his cig, throwing it to the floor and stomping on it. "Sorry." He giggles, "I just saw you come out and I needed to see what's up with you. I havent seen you in weeks." He stood quiet and looked down at me. "Something seems wrong Isabella. You're not you."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I felt like me. I guess I wasn't showing it. 

He lets go of my shoulders and leans over the railing, "You seem more conservative. Like, you're, no offense, no fun. I remember when you, Tony and I went to that show and we ended up backstage with those dudes and we were laughing, drinking... Just having fun. I thought that'll be us today, but it's not." 

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