A Place for Me to Rest My Head

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A huge 'thank you' to those still voting and commenting! It means a lot <3 

You guys motive me :) 

June 30, 2012 

Isabella rested her bare feet on Jalissa's brand new carmine leather sofa, digging her toes into the crevasses of the couch; the cold leather material cooling her warm feet. The apartment was silent; silent enough that Isabella could hear her thoughts loud and clear. 

A couple days following her break-up with Austin, Isabella found herself drowning in regret and remorse. The image of Austin's heart-broken facial expression as she did the deed was constant in the back of her mind and it took a great amount of strength for her to resist texting him and apologize for being a heartless wench. As the thoughts came to mind, she began to second-guess her decision; Was breaking up with Austin really the smart choice? And if it was, why did she feel so bad? 

"Jalissa... Can I ask you something?" Isabella softly requested her best friend's attention, raising her hand to her growing stomach and smoothing out the wrinkles over the black material.

Jalissa studied a manuscript at her bamboo writing desk in the far corner of her apartment and upon her best friend's request, she placed her forehead in her palm, as she rested her elbow on the desk. She looked over the frame of her black Ray-Ban eyeglasses, shooting Isabella nod, "Of course. You always can. You know that," she reminded her.  

"Did I do the right thing?" Isabella questioned the resolution she reached. She forced herself upright; the leather material beneath her scrunching with each movement she'd make. "Like, was breaking up with Austin the right thing to do?" 

"We already talked about this, Bells," Jalissa sighed, removing her glasses and setting them between the bind of the book. She spun herself around, giving Isabella her full and undivided attention. "We agreed that it is what's best for the kid." 

Isabella struggled to rise to her feet, and when she did, it was done in a frustrated manner. She ran her long fingers through her golden brown hair, annoyed by her best friend's response. "But I know you're just saying that because we're close. I don't want to hear what want to hear. I want to hear what you really think." 

Jalissa had grown quite vexed over the past week. First, Isabella demanded advice, which she gave without hesitation. Then, Isabella became undecided as to what her decision was going to be. When she finally decided on what she was going to do, the day that followed was full of tears and regret. Jalissa did not know of her next step. She knew her place as her best friend was to be there, but everything she said, or the advice given to Isabella, was instantly shunned. There was no getting through to her except through brutal honesty. If that was the only way, Jalissa was more than happy to give it to her. 

"Do want to know what I actually think about this whole mess?" Jalissa asked, receiving a nod from Isabella; her face desperate for even more advice. "Do I really think it was right? Kind of--to a point. You were looking at things realistically, but if Austin was willing to stay with you through it all, regardless if the baby was his or not, you should've stood with him. You kind of tore the baby away from him. Did you even wonder how he felt? He was growing fond of the baby--"  

"Of course I did!" Isabella exclaimed. "But what kind of person would I be if I kept him away from everything he's ever wanted to achieve? He has goals and dreams, Lis. I can't do that to him."

Jalissa shook her head and in an irritated manner allowed a chuckle to escape her lips, "What if he's achieved it all, already? What if the band was his dream, and now he's just expanding his horizons? He's said it countless times before to you and I, Bella. It's a career that he has established." Isabella stood quiet accepting the truth, yet mentally denying it as she was convinced he wasn't done dreaming. "If this had happened before Of Mice was big, I would've understood your reasoning for breaking up with him. My point is that if he was willing to be there despite the unforeseen circumstances, you could've met him halfway." 

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