Unholy Confrontations Part 1

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Yo you alone? I texted Brian, hoping to catch him alone at his house so I could beat his ass up for possibly impregnating my little sister. 

Yeah. Chelles at work rn. Perfect, I thought to myself. 

In my defense, I wasn't mad because he could possibly be the baby's father. I was mad and burning with anger because out of all the years I've known him, Brian failing to take responsibility in something that he helped take part in, wasn't like him. And I'd be damned if he doesn't help my sister raise the child if it is his. 

Full throttle and all, I drove to Brian's house, parking half-ass in the driveway. I didn't care if I parked right. I didn't care simply because after I murder him I'm going to need to make a fast get away. 

Slamming the door shut, I hurried into Brian's house. Pinkly was quick to attack my feet by jumping on me and as messed up as it sounds, I wanted to kick her. I was mad and I wanted to kick anything. 

"Hey man." Brian said, walking out of the dark from the hallway.  I jerked my head up, giving him a rather domintating glare. "Well you look extremely fucking happy. What's up?" 

I shrugged, "You tell me. Oh wait, Eleven weeks ago, your dick was up my little fucking sister you fucking disgusting fuck." 

His eyes widened, "Wh- What?" 

"Don't act stupid with me!" I approached him, taking him by the collar. "How fucking dare you fuck my little sister. You're married. And making matters worse, she's pregnant and that  kid can be fucking your's." 

"Matt, let me expl-" 

I cut him off by swinging my fist across his face, knocking him down to the couch. I know, wrong choice. But when I'm mad, I am mad. "Explain nothing. Explain to your wife that you could bethe father of my sister's kid." 

"You fucking dick." He spat as blood dripped from his mouth. "It was a two-way thing. You can't fucking blame me for it." 

"The hell I can! And you're not gonna step up as the father? Are you kidding me?!" 

"We don't even know if it's mine!" He shouted. 

Anger was building up in me and for some reason, I felt like choking the shit out of him. As I leaned over to do so, he kicked me in the balls, making me fall on to the floor, cupping them. "When I get up I am going to murder you!" 

"Don't fucking attack me like that! Why can't we fucking talk like the best friends we are, huh? It's not hard!" 

He had a very good point... "Fine." I gave in, dragging myself up to the couch. When my pain started to go away, I gave him a glare. "Why did you even touch her in such a way? She's my little sister man... You saw her grow up." 

"I also saw Michelle grow up and I married her..."  

"But you didn't get her pregnant, did you? No." I answered my own question. "You might have gotten Isabellla pregnant." 

He sighed, "I'm sorry. I know it was wrong. But damn, temptation is hard when it comes to me. Your sister is beautiful and I guess I got carried away. I know that the kid might be mine and if it is then I'm going to step up and be a dad and tell Michelle. But for right now, I can't do that." 


"Because Mich will leave me... I don't want her to. I love her so mu-" 

"Don't say that." I stopped him. "You clearly don't love her enough. You messed around with someone else."

He sat with his head in his hands, rubbing his temples. It was a given he was stressed and confused. "I'm sorry. It was really immature of me to do."

"It was." I agreed. "So what are you going to do?" 

He shrugged, "I'm not telling Michelle yet... I want to know if the kid is Austin's. If it is then I'll tell Michelle I cheated on her, but nothing about the whole pregnancy thing." 

"Fair enough and if it isn't Austin's?" 

"I have no choice right? I have to tell her that it's mine, if it's not his. Either way I'm fucked." We both stood in a comfortable silence. I kept thinking about how his marriage would end up ruined either way all because he thought with the wrong head.  "What are you going to do?" He asked me this time. 

I sighed, "I can't do anything. She doesn't want me near Austin til we find out if it's his. If it's not then I don't know. I can't be here. I got- I'm going to go for a walk or something." I stood up, frustrated with my family and friends. I made my way to the door to escape his presence. 

"Hey." He started, following my footsteps. "I'm sorry for everything. I'm extremely sorry for disrespecting you by getting it in with Isabella. I know she's your world... I know how hard it must be right now. I understand if you don't want to talk to me for a while." 

Everything he was saying was completely sincere. I nodded, pulling him in for a hug. I can't ever stay mad at my best friend. "Don't worry about it. Things like this happen... I'm just gonna head out now. I'll catch you later?" 

"You know where to find me." 

After I left Brian's house, I went against Isabella's wishes and went straight to Austin's. It pays to know people, right? 

I promised myself I wouldn't hurt him. But he sure does need someone to put him in his place. 

I looked at the address on the pilar then back at my phone's notepad which I had typed it in. 

Swallowing some of my pride, I knocked on the door. 

I kept repeating, "Don't touch him. Don't hurt him" in my head, hoping I'd pay attention to myself...

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