It's Reality

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You guys are seriously the best<3! 

I'm so happy to have readers like you!!!! I love your in put:)

A few days had passed and I felt even more alone... I chose not to tell my parents or my sister Amy anything because I didn't want them to hate me either. Instead, I stood home and texted Jalissa who seemed to be a bit mad at me too... 

Austin didn't bother texting me, or even calling me. I was getting worried and I started to question the sanity of our relationship, if there even was one to question. I didn't want him leaving me because of this. That's the last thing I wanted. He means so much to me... He always has.

My mind was pulled out of deep meditation by a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I forcefully dragged myself off the couch and headed towards the door. I checked the peephole only to get the biggest surprise of my life. Matt was standing there with guilt plastered across his face. 

I debated whether or not to open the door as I bit down on my nail. Taking a deep breath, I decided I should just see what he wants then make him leave my sight...

"What?" I bluntly asked opening the door with the chain still locking it. 

"I uh... Can I come in please?" 


"Isabella." He whined, dropping his shoulders. "Come on. Let me just talk to you! As a brother... Someone who's gonna support your ass no matter what... Please?" 

I shook my head, "No. Matt. Leave. Just leave. It's better if you go and not bother at all. You disrespected me, my baby and the father of my child. Do you think I'd ever let you step foot into my house?" 

"Okay sis, you're right. I don't deserve to step foot inside your house. I am surprisingly equivalent to shit. But let me just speak to you." 

The look on his face was convincing. Defeated, I opened the door and allowed him to enter my house. He removed his jacket and neatly folded it, laying it on the seat beside the door. I was a bit surprised because he never, ever, ever did that. 

"Start talking because once you're done giving me a lecture on how bad I've fucked up, I want you out." 

"Okay," He sighed as he took a seat on the couch. "I'm really sorry for over reacting. But Isabella, you need to understand that you are my little sister... I'm gonna jump the gun for you."

"Over reacting? That wasn't over reacting. That was acting like a fucking asshole which by the way, is fucking annoying." 

"Listen to me!" He shouted with annoyance in his voice, "You don't know why I reacted the way I did." 

Reclining my back against the backboard, I crossed my hands over my chest, "The stage is your's." 

He hung his head and gave me the impression he was going to tell me something rather heart breaking. "I uh... Valary and I miscarried when we barely started dating." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I heard the news. "Yeah.  Mom and dad found out and they were mad. Not because we miscarried but because we had unprotected sex at a young age... Mom and dad wanted us to be married before we had any type of sexual contact. They got it into my head that you need to be married to have a kid. Now I'm kind of stuck on that... Amy had unprotected sex once and she thought she was pregnant... I wanted to stab the guy. You were like my final hope. You're my little sister Isabella... Of course I'm gonna raise hell when I find out someone put themselves in my little sister." 

"Oh Matt, c'mon!" I said disgusted that he actually thought about that.

He let out a laugh, covering his face, "I'm sorry! But you know... I knew you had sex and obviously with Austin but I don't like to think about it. I like to think you and Amy are angels. You know, sex free? I'm in major denial." 

"It's reality Matt..." 

"I know," He said, "Actually Isabella, I'm really happy you're having a baby. I'm happy that I'm going to be an uncle. It's an exciting feeling. I'm just extremely sorry that I over reacted like that. Trust me." 

"You're not mad?" I asked, still a bit worried that he wasn't going to accept the truth. 

"I'm fucking pissed. If it was possible, I'd take a rock and slam it against Austin's head! Or put him in a pillow cover and shove him into a dryer. But I won't. Because he's a really important person in your life now Bells. I can't do that to him." He sighed again, "I guess I'm going to have to learn to accept this." 

"And I guess I accept your apology." 

That smile that never fails to make someone smile grew on his face, making me smile. "I love you, alright? Don't forget that. I'm gonna be here." However, my smile quickly faded as I remembered I hadn't gotten the results back. "What's wrong?" He asked quickly noticing the change in my expression.


"Now that's a fucking lie." He knows me all too well. 

"You're gonna get mad." I said, leaning in towards the center of the room. 

I couldn't tell him about the chance that Brian might be the dad. His blood pressure would rise and cause him to have a heart attack. 

"I promise, I won't. You're not pregnant with twins are you?" 

"What?" I asked, jumping out of my seat, "Are you crazy?! I'd probably jump off a roof if I was pregnant with twins!" 

"Oh thank God!" He breathed a sigh of relief, "Then what is it?" 


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