It Takes Two To Tango

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I have decided to have Jimmy living in this story... for the most part<3. I miss him so much. 

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I was clueless and confused. I didn't  know what to do. I wanted to tell Austin because something tells me the baby is Austin's. But at the same time, it could be Brian's... 

This is why parents tell their kids never to have mulitple lovers at one time... 

If I knew one thing for sure, it was I did plan on telling them that I could be pregnant. I just didn't want both of them to find out that each of them know. I was going to wait until I reached two months pregnant to tell them. It gave me more than enough time to think of a plan.

Sounds compliated; just like my fucking life. 

I laid on my bed, just staring at the ultrasound. I admired my little peanut and no matter what, I plan on keeping my child. I don't care if in the end, Austin or Brian doesn't want her or him... It's my baby and it's inside of my. I love my angel. 

There was a hard knock on my door, which scared the shit out of me. I hid the picture under my pillow then made my way down the hallway to my door.

I peeked in the peephole and saw Brian standing there with pure lust in his eyes. Shit. 

Casually, I opened the door, just a bit. "What's up?" 

He allowed a smirk to tug at his lips. I knew that smirk all too well. He wanted one thing and one thing only. Sex. "Why should I tell you when I can show you better?" He shifted his eyes to the lower part of his body. 

"Brian I'm not feeling too good today." I said. I actually wasn't. I felt nauseated and pretty hungry. 

He pushed the door open, walking inside. It bothered me when he did that. Actually, it bothered me when all of Matt and his friends did that. But they're family. "I'll make you feel better with a little TLC." I felt his hands wrap around my stomach and his lips leave gentle kisses on the curvature of my neck. It was so hard not to melt at his touch. "Come on. I'll make you feel good inside." 

I rested my hands against the door, allowing Brian to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes, enjoying it. "Stop." I said moving away. "I don't feel good."

"I'll make you feel good." He desperately said, "Bella, I don't wanna leave this place with blue-balls." 

"And I don't want you to leave this place satisfied while I stay here depressed because I messed up on Austin. It doesn't work like that. I'm sorry."

He laughed, "You're not even dating." He harshly said, walking towards the hallway. "I'll meet you in the bedroom."  

I placed my hands on my hips and sighed, frusrated. He doesn't know what 'no' means? Maybe that's why he'd come to me when Michelle would say 'no'.

But at that moment, I remembered the ultrasound picture was in the bedroom. With out even taking a second to get my feet off the ground, I took off running to my bedroom. But I was too fucking late. 

"What the fuck is this?" Brian asked, holding the picture in his hands. I couldn't respond. Nothing would come out. "Isabella, what the fuck is this? Why do you have this here?" I bit my lip, praying it was only a dream. "Are you pregnant?" 

I nodded, "Yes."  

He kept looking at the picture, taking a seat. "Is it... Is it mine?" 

I shrugged, "I'm not sure..."

He venomously cursed, "Fuck man! Are you serious? It's my baby? Isabella. You're pregnant with my baby? You know I'm a fucking married man right? You went to my fucking wedding and you even witnessed the damn thing go down and now you're telling me you're pregnant?!" 

"Brian stop getting so mad! Okay?! I'm not even sure if it's your's. We did things two days after I did things with Austin." I informed him. If anything, he was making me so nervous. I really wished Matt was here. "It's not like I planned on getting pregnant, okay? This wasn't written in my life journal! I had dreams and, and, and wishes and goals! Do you think getting pregnant with the slight possibility that it might be my brother's best friend's baby, was in my book? Uhm, no! If it's anyone's fault, it's your's." I spat, using all of my anger. 

His eyes widened and all I saw were spears being shot at me, "My fault? How did this become my fault?" 

"You have a dick!" I shouted, giving the neighbors the cheese of the week. 

"And you opened your God damned le-... Isabella. Okay. Stop. First thing is first, you're pregnant so this yelling isn't helping you. Secondly, it's both of our faults okay? I thought with my small head and you opened your legs. Thirdly," He scratched the back of his head and sucked on the inside of his cheek, "I... This can't be my baby. I'm not saying it's not... I'm saying, I can't have a baby with you." 

"I never asked you to." I heedlessly said, grabbing the picture away from him. It was obvious he wanted nothing to do with the baby if it was his. "You know where the door is, don't hesitate to leave." 

"Isabella, you have to understand my point of view." He trailed off me, as I walked out of my room.

"There's nothing to understand, Brian. You're married. You don't want the responsibility of a baby. I get it. And don't worry Brian, if it is your baby, I promise you, it will never know who are." I allowed a few tears to leave the corner of my eyes. 

He opened the door and gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry." 

As he closed the door, out of anger, I picked up an orange from the table and threw it at the door. 

This isn't happening...

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