Taking Off For Warped

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Can I just say I am so thankful for you guys... Seriously, I don't ask for 30+ votes and I get them. I don't think my writing or ideas are 30+ votes worthy, but you girls/guys assure me and remind me that it is. So I thank you so much! 

I know the updates are slow but I'm trying to finish high school by October 18, 2013  so bare with me!

I love you all! I hope I don't disappoint! 

It was the hardest thing ever watching Austin leave for Warped Tour. Actually, it was harder seeing how happy he was to actually leave and make kids of all ages smile with his music.

Yes, I was happy for him. But I wasn't looking forward to growing a stomach with out him by my side to see things come along. 

We made it a point to refuse to tell anyone the baby's Brian's until the second week of my second trimester just in case things took a horrible turn for the worse. Of course Matt would bug me about it constantly, as would Jalissa and Valary, but as long as Brian didn't "care", nor did I. I had Austin and in the end, he's all I needed. 

In my entire lifetime of being the infamous M.Shadows' younger sister, I never dated a "rockstar" or "band member" so I never experienced having someone other than my brother and his friends leave for tour... As mean as it sounds, I didn't really miss Matt when he left. I missed his humor and his nonsense of course, but I never suffered from a legitimate 'I miss my brother so much I might just die' moment. In actuality, the only person from the band that I missed while they were away was Jimmy. He's one hell of a guy! 

"Do you have to go?" I asked Austin the most obvious question as he dragged the last few suitcases out of his room and headed for the door where there were large amounts of suitcases piled besides Target bags filled with underwear briefs for the tour. Typical Austin and his hygiene habits.

He snickered, struggling with one of the suitcases behind him, "You know I have to... Now the question is, do I want to?" 

"Well do you?" 

"Of course! It makes my day doing shows for these kids! And I want you to come with me. If you come, we could spend time together and see your belly grow, and if you don't well I'll just be missing out on a few weeks. And when I come back you'll be like," He counted his fingers, shifting his eyes around the room in concentration, "... Eighteen weeks. Or nineteen, around there. Choice is your's. I could easily fly you out to wherever we'll be if you change your mind at any given time, babe." He smiled. 

"That's the thing though! I don't want to be flown out. I want to stay here and I want you to stay here too..." I sulked, leaning my head against the headboard of the couch.

Austin smiled, abandoning the suitcases and filling the spot beside me on the couch. "Babe," He started, removing the aviators he had on, "I would love to stay here. I want to stay here, but this is my job. We have a few California dates, we'll see each other then. Or like I said, I can fly you out or you can come with me. The guys don't mind." 

I sighed, "Yeah but I do. I have a job-" 

"Your boss said you can't work behind the scenes anymore because of the smoke and alcohol. So you're technically off the hook to come with me on Warped." Damn him and his ability to remember things, "It'll be so much fun, c'mon babe." He begged, sticking out his bottom lip, "Please?" 

Shaking my head, I turned away, "I have to help Zacky with the line and stuff." 

"Now you're just making excuses Isabella!" He forced himself up, "But it's fine. I'll just have fun on Warped by myself. My right hand wasn't named Princess Leia for nothing, ya'know." 

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