The Case of the Mysterious Illness

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Quick update. :) 

Comment and vote for more chapters. I love you all and thanks :D 

The morning seemed all too familiar. When I rolled over to check if Isabella was sleeping, she wasn't there. 

The whole night she was fast asleep. I'd keep waking up to check on her and she was doing great. But this time, the sound of running water and coughing woke me up. 

I quickly followed the sound and knocked lightly on the door. "Babe, you okay?" 

She opened the door looking perfectly fine. There was no sign of a sickness. Her cheeks weren't red. Her eyes weren't droopy. She was fine. "Yeah. I just got nauseated and threw up again. I'm okay though. I'm gonna warm up a soup and see if I can hold it down. Did you want something to eat?"

I was quite shocked at how she acted after throwing up her insides. "Ah-uh, sure." 

"Great. Meet you in the kitchen." She pecked my lips then left. But that kiss was enough to send the butterflies in my stomach to space.

However, I was so confused. I didn't know what was happening. Just to be sure, I checked around her restroom for any drugs. It was clear though. Nothing. Maybe she's just a tough cookie, I thought to myself. 

After I got ready and washed my mouth, I headed into the kitchen. To my surprise, she wasn't eating soup. She was making scrambled eggs and toasting some waffles. "I thought you felt sick." I said taking a seat while she cooked.

She nodded, "But I feel better now. Here, I made your's already. Eat up." She placed the plate infront of me and I looked at the cooked food then back at her.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" I asked just making sure. It was for my sake too. I can't afford to get sick with Warped coming up.

She tore a piece of a waffle off and popped it into her mouth. "It's weird. I feel fine now. Last night I felt horrible. Maybe it was one of those 24 hour bugs." She paused for a second, "Actually... I'm feeling kind of nauseated again... I'll be back." 

As she threw up again, I sat in the kitchen, thinking of what to do next. I didn't want her food to get cold, so I finished making it.

 Do I eat the rest of the food? Or do I leave it there for her? I though to myself. 

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock at her door. 

I debated whether or not to answer it. The knocks came harder and quicker. I took matters into my own hands by walking over to the door and opening it. 

But I quickly regretted it. Her brother stood there with a confused look upon his face. "Uh... What are you doing here?" He asked in a rude manner.

"I brought her home last night. She got sick. She's actually sick right now." I motioned towards the restroom. 

He crossed his arms over his chest and cocked an eyebrow up. I really didn't know what to do. "Aren't you going to let me in?" 

I shrugged, "I don't know. As her brother aren't you supposed to come in with out asking?" I didn't mean for it to sound disrespectful, but sometimes things come out that way.

He squinted his eyes and opened his mouth to speak but Isabella came into view. Thank God. "Matt, what are you doing here?!"

"I wanted to drop off somethings for the VU photo shoot today. Can I have a word with you in the kitchen please?" 

I got the hint, he wanted me gone and as his sister's home, I should leave. "You guys stay here. I have to go anyways."

"No, Austin stay please. Matt you gotta go." She begged. "You can't just come barging in like that with out calling. It's rude dude." 

Matt was taken back. "I'm your brother and you're choosing him over me? C'mon Bells, I thought you're smarter than that. Oh please tell me you're kidding." 

"Isabella," I interrupted. I cleared my voice in embarrassment, "I'm just going to leave. It's okay, trust me." 

"I think it's best." Her brother suggested. 

It really mind fucked me how just weeks ago he was being so nice, then out of no where he acts like a dick.

I hoped Isabella would do something but she didn't. I raised my eyebrows and made my way out the door, with out a goodbye. 

Isabella's POV

"I don't care! You can't act like that with my friends!" I fought back. Matt still thinks he had the power to intimidate my friends,specially Austin. He has yet to learn that I've grown up and my friends are not children. 

He simply laughed and took a seat on the couch, "He didn't even fucking invite me in the house. What kind of a guy does that? You know I Googled his ass. Yeah, turns out he's a douche bag. He knocked up some fucking seventeen year old. You better not fuck him." My brother glared at me.

I rolled my eyes, hiding the fact that Austin and I passed that line so many weeks ago. But to satisfy Matt and to save a well needed fight, I lied. "I won't. We're just... Friends." 

"And it better stay like that." He said as I took a seat across from him. "Now he said you were sick. Did I get you sick?" 

I nodded, "I'm so nauseated. And my body was hurting a little. Specially my back." 

"Well too bad, work doesn't stop for aches and pains. Now c'mon. We gotta head down to Mulholland Drive for your photo shoot before Zacky gets mad." 

I threw my head back on the couch. I didn't feel up to going or doing anything but staying home and dying. "Tell Zacky we'll do this another day." To me, another day is never. 

Matt shook his head and pulled me up, "No! Go shower, you smell like alcohol! Supposedly you're sick, but you're out drinking. Now you can't blame me for shit." 

"I didn't even drink. The smell really nauseated me." I walked over to the counter and picked up my phone. When I scrolled down to see if today was really the day for the photo-shoot, I noticed something. There was no mark anywhere on the week my period usually starts. "Oh shit." I said putting the pieces together.

"What?" He shouted from the living room. 

I think the case of my mysterious illness was solved.... 

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