The Morning After

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New Update :D <3 

I woke up with a really bad headache; the type that not even a goodnight's sleep can take away. At first, I couldn't recognize the covers. White, with out flowers embroidered into them. Most def not my bed. That's when it hit me; I came to Austin's last night after... or during... the party. 

I turned around to see Austin sleeping like a baby. I didn't want to wake him up, so I got up and picked my clothes from the foot of the bed. I ran straight to the restroom down the hall and slipped back into my thong, bra and dress. It was a poor choice of clothing to be honest. I looked like a prostitue. How un-lady-like. 

I took the advantage of being in the restroom and brushed my teeth with my finger, just like Brian taught me. If there's no tooth brush around, use your finger. It's the next best thing. He's right. He's always right. Just like he was right about this. Austin did come to me after how I treated him, it must mean something. I guess it means that he is human and he does have feelings too. 

Austin's POV 

I rolled on my side to find it empty. I'm used to it, but I clearly remember bringing Isabella back with me. 

"Bella?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I realize I didn't have any underwear on, so I quickly find mine on the ground and slide into them. 

Her dress wasn't even where we had left it. It's gone. She left me. I should've known. 

Heart broken and all, I drag my worthless body to the restroom, but the door is locked. I had a little ounce of hope in my mind that maybe it's her. I knock lightly just as she opened it and smiled. "Hi. I was getting ready. I didn't want to wake you up." 

On the inside, I was cheering like a child. "Oh it's okay. I'd give you a kiss but my breath smells nasty after a night of drinking so I'll just give you a kiss on the head." I left a kiss on top of her head. "Excuse me. Make yourself at home." I said as I entered the restroom, covering my mouth. 

I took a look at my reflection in the mirror and saw a horrible sight. My eyes? Puffy. And my hair? Do messy. 

As I get ready, I can't help but remember everything that went down last night... Well from what I clearly remember of course. 

I had no intentions in bringing Isabella back and doing the act. To be honest, I just wanted to feel her against me; clothed or not. It didn't matter. I'm not the type of guy to have sex with a girl on the first date... Or the first night for that matter, but for some reason, I had the urge to be connected with her, emotionally and intamitely. I don't regret it. Not at all. I just wish maybe we could've taken things a little slower. I don't even know where this goes now. Are we dating? Are we still just friends? It's a really hard to think about all of it with out getting a headache. 

I walked down the stairs that lead into the kitchen and see her reading a paper on the counter. She seemed really into it, so I decided to scare the ball  sack out of her. 

I clear my throat, making her jump. "Fuck. You scared me Austin." She said, raising her hand to her chest, still not putting the paper down. 

"Whatcha reading?" I ask, passing her by and planting a kiss on her cheek. She still smelled really good. Like raspberries. I love the smell of fruit. 

"Your fan mail. Sorry. I just saw the pink heart at the corner and it caught my eye." 

I laughed, taking a cup from the dish rack, "It's okay. Just as long as you don't share what's in them with the rest of the world, we're good. Want some coffee?" I asked. She nodded. I'm glad my coffee maker is automatic; it starts to make the coffee at 8AM. "So what does the letter say?" 

"Just that she admires you for being strong. She actually gave you her Twitter so I'm assuming she wants you to follow her." She giggled, "You don't even follow me on Twitter. Let alone a fan." 

Ouch. I wasn't even aware she had a Twitter. "Well then," I began as I finished pouring coffee into the cups and pulled my phone out. "What's your username?" 

"I was kidding. I don't even have a Twitter. But it's nice to know you'd follow." She put down the letter, took a cup and took a sip of the coffee. "How'd you sleep?" 

I felt my cheeks getting red and my palms started to sweat. Thinking of last night, was all it took to make me weak. 

"I slept great. Like a baby. How about you?" All I really wanted to do was get on my knees and thank her for an amazing night.

She smiled, "I slept pretty damn good." 

It was quiet for a second... That's when I started to think maybe she's lying and she hated it. But I needed to know what was gonna happen between us... "Isabella..." 

"Yeah?" She answered quickly as if she was waiting for me to speak up. 

"What are we?" She cocked an eyebrow. I probably wasn't making myself clear. "I mean, what are we... as in us. Are we something?" 

She shrugged, "I don't-" 

"Don't answer that. I'm sorry. Dumb question to ask. I just assumed that because of last night, we had something. But I shouldn't assume." I lowered my head. 

"Austin, I just think we should go out... As friends first." She took a quick sip of her coffee,  "I mean, every great relationship is built off a great friendship." Her lips curled into a beautiful smile, assuring me that maybe if things do go great,  we'd be something. 

There was just a feeling inside of me that wasn't there before. I want this girl. She's something special. I nodded, "I'd like that very much." 

"Great. Well I have to go to work. But maybe if you text me, we can go out and hang out this week, or next week." She hopped off the stool and walked around the counter to me. 

"Yeah. I'll text you for sure." She tip-toed and pecked my cheek. I ignored the urge to pull her into a kiss. After last night's intamite actions, I knew being around her would be hard... No pun intended. 

"Bye Austin." She said walking out. 

I followed behind her, waving. "Bye Bella."

After she left, I honestly couldn't stop thinking about her. It was difficult to get my mind off her for one second. I really didn't know what the hell happened, or why it even happened. But I knew it I liked it. I knew I liked her. 

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