Change Of Heart

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I love you all so much. Xx <3

Isabella's POV 

I sat on my couch, simply staring at the letter from the clinic which sat on the coffee table. I'd been staring at it for about a half already and needless to say, I could stare at it for a half hour more until I felt my balls were big enough to see the results. But, they stopped growing when I realized sooner or later, I'd have to open it and read it. Sooner or later, I'd have to face reality. I just didn't expect to face it so soon.

I sighed, "Fuck it. Don't got much to lose." 

I roughly took the letter in my hands and began to open it when I was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

Thank God, I thought to myself. 

With the letter still in my hands, I made my way over to the door. I looked threw the peephole only to see Austin there with his head lowered, waiting for me to answer.

We hadn't talked in close to two weeks and I didn't even know where things stood between us. And in a way, I didn't want to know. 

"Hi." I softly said opening the door just a bit. 

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Can I come in?" With out another word, I opened the door fully, allowing him to pass by me.

I found it so odd and coincidental how he came right when I was about to find out with the baby is his or not. It kind of made me feel better that Austin arrived. At least I'd have some company. 

"What were you doing?" 

I shook my head, sitting on the couch, "Nothing, just reading." 

He took a look around the living area, "There's like no books... What were  you reading?" 

"A letter..." I hesitantly said, placing the clinic letter on the coffee table. I figured, if I can't open it, he can...

He looked down at it, then picked it up, flipping it around various times to see what it was. 

His eyes widened as he read the front. "The- The clinic... You got the results." I nodded, "Have you opened them yet?" I shook my head, "Do you want to?" This time, I shrugged, uncertain if I really wanted to open the letter to see if the kid was Brian's or Austin's. 

In a way, I didn't want to know. I was better off not knowing. But at the same time, I needed to know. I wanted to know who my child's father was... 

"Uh..." He started, "Can I?" I couldn't reply to him. My body wouldn't move and my mouth wouldn't open. "Sit down next to me. We're doing this together." He said, patting the cushion beside him. 

I wondered why he even came over; what triggered his change of heart? 

Doing as he said, I sat beside him. He tore open the envelope, leaving paper residue on his lap. The letter was folded three times and each time he'd unfold it, it seemed slower than the last. It made me so anxious and even more nervous. 

I looped my arm through his, finding comfort in his touch. I pressed my forehead against his bicep and closed my eyes. I didn't want to know the outcome of things. As naive as it sounds, I wanted to hide in his bicep until the moment passed. 

"Oh my God..." He sighed, "The baby isn't mine...

What? "No. Austin the baby is your's. I know it's your's. I feel it." I said, opening my eyes and reading the results. 

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