Sooner Than You Expect

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Update, wootwooot.:) 

Thanks for the comments and votes. I love you guys!

I was blessed by the good Lord himself; I didn't get sick. I went two weeks with out getting sick and let me say, it was the best two weeks ever. 

Things between Austin and I were at an all time great. I've told Brian that we need to be committed to our significant others, even if Austin doesn't have that title yet, he deserves major respect.

I had never felt so good and it got me pumped for the party Alan was throwing for Warped Tour.

Except when the day came for the party, I was feeling a little queasy. I read on-line that sometimes illnesses like the flu takes one to two weeks so settle in your system and make you sick. I refused to let it get to me. I drank tea like crazy and I stocked up on Pepto -Bismol. I was looking so forward to that party that nothing was going to stop me. 

Also, I refused to let it get to me because I didn't want Austin to meet another girl there... I know it sounds possessive, but I have a very low selfesteem. Even though we're not together, I still had my doubts about things. 

"We can always go back home if you feel sick..." Austin suggested as we pulled into Alan's hectic drive-way. I was right about the girl. There were many. 

I shook my head and shot back a quick sip of the liquid Pepto-Bismol. "I'll be fine." I used my best convincing voice which probably didn't work. 

He threw his head back and pulled the key out of the ignition. "Fine. But if you feel sick, we can always leave. I'm okay with leaving." 

I smiled and wanted to tear up for some reason; he cared so much. I leaned over the middle and kissed his lips which were  extremely soft; velvet soft. That's not even an exaggeration.

As we entered Alan's house, the place was getting pretty turned up. If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was an orgy by the look of things. But when there's liquor involved, you should know that crazy thing happen. 

Austin and I said hi to people while making our way to the kitchen to get something to drink. This place was packed. It seemed more like a bar than Alan's house. 

"Want a beer babe? I can whip something up really quick?" He offered. 

Just the thought of drinking made me want to puke. I shook my head and thought of something else, "I just want water. I can't afford to get sick." 

He giggled and began to serve me a glass of sparkling water. I took it from his hand, glancing out the window to see girls in bikinis around Alan's pool. For a second, I looked at my body and compared them. My figure is horrible compared to theirs'. 

"What's up man?!" I heard Tony Perry's voice say from behind. I turned around and saw him giving Austin a hug. He was clearly intoxicated. "Hey you." 

He opened his arms and squeezed me, "You look so pretty tonight." 

"Hey, back up Tone, she's mine." Austin teased. 

Tony threw his arms up surrendering, "Hey man, I can't lie. Dude the night is young and you're drinking water? C'mon, load up on some Coronitas!" He shouted. 

I shook my head,. "No thanks. I'm good with this." 

"Party pooper. You guys should join us in the game room. We're about to start a round of Boat Race. I came to recruit you man. You can take a shit load of beer with out passing out." 

"I'm the driver tonight man, I can't drink a lot." Austin told him as he took a swig of his beer. 

Tony's face was full of disappointment. "Shit, Now I have to find someone to take your place. Are you guys coming to watch?" 

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