Chapter 19- The High Inquisitor

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Chapter 19

I skipped into the library with a grin on my face. I noticed Fred and George sitting at a desk with their faces buried in a book.

I walked over to them and hit Fred over the head. He looked up,

“How did you see us?”

I laughed,

“If you don’t want to ruin your reputation by being seen at the library, you’re not doing a very good job of it. Your book was upside-down, you numpties.”

George groaned,

“I bet everyone knew it was us.”

I rolled my eyes,

“You guys don’t need to panic so much about being seen in the library! It’s not like Hermione is going to start judging you.”

Fred chuckled,

“Hermione can’t judge us. We judge her.”

I sighed,

“Not if you keep hanging around in the library! I’m starting to worry that I’m stopping you from working on the Skiving Snackboxes.”

George shrugged,

“We’ve got everything under control, Ava. Don’t worry. We know where to hide our products from Hermione.”

Fred nudged my arm,

“Anyway, newbie, you’re in an unusually good mood.”

I raised my eyebrows,

“Are you saying I’m normally in a grumpy mood?”

“No! It’s just normally, the Slytherins get you down. What’s made you so cheerful?”

I shrugged my shoulders,

“No reason. I just decided to ignore my charming housemates this morning.”

George asked,

“How can you sit with them at mealtimes? I bet their conversations are the worst. Do they ramble on about purebloods?”

I nodded,

“I mostly just block out what they say. What I do hear is about purebloods and stuff.”

I decided not to mention how Draco is rude about the Weasleys. I didn’t want to upset the twins.

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