1. Come and Go

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-Chaynia's POV

Chaynia Renee Martez. Chaynia, pronounced Shay-Na. Yep that's me. I guess that was supposed the be a transition to a bio or something.

Naw. I'll save that for later. Right now it's--shit. What hour was this? Oh yeah fourth hour. This teacher got me writing in a journal and lawd I hope she don't check it 'cause I really don't feel like writing shit.

This transition from Atlanta to Detroit was stressful. I was only here for two months and it was stressful. I had to move here with my dad and his girlfriend, Jalisa, after a foul custody battle that lasted four whole months. So now i'm here in Detroit with my daddy, his girl, and my little brother Shaun.

Detroit was filled with people who thought that the city on a recovery.

I mean I love my daddy, even Jalisa. But I missed Atlanta. Especially my mama, but it looks like I'm not gone be down there for a while. Ha!

"Okay, put your pencils doooooown, I want to here what you guys wrote about your lovely summers, " my teacher Ms. Thomas said in a sing song voice. She was one of those young, happy, giddy teachers and I liked that.

"Okay, so no one? I guess I'll have to choose someone randomlyyyyy."

Aw hell naw, I liked her but I don't play when teachers pull that random person card.

"How about you Miss Pretty in the front? Tell us your name" she asked directed at me.

Got damn, I knew that she was gonna do that to me.

"My name is Chaynia, do I have to read word from word?"

Cause I did not want to the class to hear about my personal life.

"Oooh Chaynia, I likes that and your little Southern accent too girl. And no just tell the class what you did over the summer."

"Okay Chaynia, where you from?" some dude said in the back of the class trying to flirt.

"Well I just moved from Atlanta two months ago and its alright here, I miss my family in Atlanta, that's all I did," I said and sat my ass back down. I didn't like the pressure.

"Ooohhh, okay, Ms. ATL,"she laughed and made an A with her fingers.

It was going to be a long senior year with her happy self.

"Now speaking of family we're gonna be working in pairs today. I'm gonna give you an index card with the name of your partner on it. You have to find your partner and get to know them a little, but not too much cause we have a project due Wednesday and I'll get to that later," she said as she passed out the index cards.

My card read: Yessica Gonzalez.

Yessica? That was a foreign name.

"Uh, Yessica!" I called and some tan Latina came with long sandy brown hair to her waist. She was so pretty it made me jealous.

"Oh, you're Chainiya, I thought your name was Shayna though," she said confused, I don't see how she could get my name wrong.

"Its pronounced Shay-na," I corrected her.

It bothered me so much when people said my name wrong.

"Oh shit, my bad girl, you know Mexicans don't know how to talk or read."

"Shit , so do black people," I countered.

"But we make up with it with pretty ass girls and our boys got big things, " she added.

Okay, I was starting to like her.

"Don't forget that good ass food you can taste the diabetes and the heart attack in it, giiirll girl."

"Girl, tell me about it!"

"Alright! Now that you guys know your lovely partners. I want you to exchange Skype, numbers, emails or whatever you guys use and work on this tonight, its due Wednesday and you won't hqve homework the rest if the week or the weekend so take a rubric on your way out and enjoy your day," Ms. Thomas said as she made the whole class quiet.

"Soooo face time it will be, " Yessica said and we traded our phones.

"If you don't answer I'm gonna keep calling until you do," she challenged.

"Alright, boo," I said and I left out class to my next hour


Yessica was the only good highlight of my day at school. It was the first day of school and I already had four homework assignments due tomorrow. Good thing when I got home Jalisa was cooking.

"Mmmmm Lisa what you cooking?" I had said then hugged her.

"I'm cooking your daddy's Big Mama recipe I found in the family bible and some garlic bread in the oven, your father went to go get us a pop for dinner and pick up Shaun."

"You know it better taste just like Big Mama's or me and daddy gonna get you."

"Girl, you know I know how to throw down, how was school?"

I gave her a straight face and rolledy eyes.

"Aaw, it'll get better Chay," Jalisa said abd hugged me.

"I hope so cause, I'm already going crazy."

She laughed.

After that, I went upstairs and threw off all of my clothes and hopped in the shower. After I got out and dried off, I put on a sports bra from Victoria's Secret and some adidas trackpants and put my hair in a ponytail. I got started on my homework and when I was done with that I needed some air.

I put on the matching jacket to my adidas pants and put on some flip flops I got from Old Navy.

"Jalisa, I'm going for a walk, I'll be back!" I said and left out of the house.

I needed a walk. I thought about my mama and how she was doing. She was going through something amd she always tried to piece together what went wrong with her and my dad. It happened so fast and with no words said. She knew that was the best thing that she had to do cayse she saw her relationship with him leading no where. I mean I loved Jalisa, she was a cool person to take me dad and his two kids in after five months of dating, but she could never be my mama. Detroit was going to be a hell of a city.

Then suddenly BOOM!!!! It hit me hard and then everything went black.

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